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Challenging Yourself I Book 6 北碚区第48中学 周小平 * Watch a flash and answer the questions : 1.What happens to our earth? 2.How do you feel about the story of the flash? Before… Now… Air Pollution Overcutting Water Pollution Reading Scanning the two coming passages and choose one title for each of them. Passage 1 _______ Passage 2________ 1)World Environment Day 2) Water Supply 3) Environmental Pollution 4) Saving Water Fast reading 4) 1) 1)Man can only drink and use the fresh water , of which only a very small amount is available. 2)Since our need for water is increasing rapidly, we are facing the problem of a water shortage. 3)Reusing water is the only way for us to save water. Is it true or false? 4)WED was created in 1972 because the environment was such a big issue back then. 5)The purpose of having WED is to help raise worldwide awareness of the dangers to our environment. 6) Many environmental agencies organize events based on different themes each year to deal with environmental problems from all levels. Work in groups to ask and answer the following questions. What does the phrase “as things stand today” in Para.2 of the first passage mean? How can you translate it into Chinese? How do you understand the sentence “Experiments have already been done in this field, but only on a small scale ” in the last paragraph of Para. 1? It means “considering the current situation”. This sentence means “The number of experiment is still quite small and they are limited to few fields or small group of people”. Careful Reading *


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