A Practice of Encouraging Learner Autonomy in a Middle School 自主学习理论在中学英语教学中的应用.doc

A Practice of Encouraging Learner Autonomy in a Middle School 自主学习理论在中学英语教学中的应用.doc

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A Practice of Encouraging Learner Autonomy in a Middle School 自主学习理论在中学英语教学中的应用 Abstract Since 1980’s, with the rise of meta-cognition, “self-autonomy” becomes popular with the pedagogues. The “self-autonomy” learners is the person who has the ability of supervising his or her learning behavior, setting up goals according to his or her practical conditions, making out studying plans, choosing learning strategies, monitoring learning process and making self-assessment and self-evaluation in time. The author conducted an experiment study in view of two classes, an experimental class and a control class, in order to know that whether the project of constructing a learner profile can encourage middle-school learners’ self-access learning ability fostering. After a careful analysis of the questionnaires, learner profiles they handed in and the exam results, the author found that the experimental class have made progress while compared with the control class. And the students in the experimental class had paid more attention to their learning process and were more active to learn. The experiment tells us that in the middle school of the countryside, it is absolutely possible to encourage learners’ senses of responsibility, develop the self-access learning ability preliminarily and help them to learn effectively in their future learning Key words:learner profiles;self-access learning ability;learning strategy 摘 要 20世纪80年代,随着元认知策略研究的兴起,自主学习开始受到广大教育者的注意。具有自主学习能力的学习者能够管理好自己的学习行为,根据自己的实际情况制定目标、学习计划、学习方式、监控学习过程以及及时进行自我评估。为了探讨在农村中学实行建立“自主学习档案”这个方案是否对于农村中学生自主学习能力的培养有积极作用,笔者在广州市花都区清布中学选取两个班级作为实验班和控制班进行实证研究。经过对问卷,上交的“自主学习档案”和考试成绩结果的认真对比分析,笔者发现经过一段时间的实验后,实验班相对于控制班取得了进步。实验班的学生更注意自己的学习过程和更主动的学习。实验结果表明,在农村中学建立“自主学习档案”对于提高学习者责任感,初步促进自主学习能力并帮助他们在将来的学习当中更有效地学习是完全有可能的。 关键词:自主学习档案;自主学习能力;学习策略 CONTENTS Chapter 1 Introduction………………………………………………………………1 Chapter 2 Theory on Self- Autonomy……………………………………………4 2.1 Definition……………………………………………………………4 2.2 Characteristics………………………………………………


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