A Pragmatic Study of English Euphemisms 英语委婉语的语用研究.doc

A Pragmatic Study of English Euphemisms 英语委婉语的语用研究.doc

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广东外语外贸大学 英语教育本科毕业论文 ( 2011届 ) 论文题目 A Pragmatic Study of English Euphemisms (英文) 论文题目 英语委婉语的语用研究 (中文) 继教(公开)学院 英语教育 自考 010112318592 A Pragmatic Study of English Euphemisms Abstract: Euphemism is a kind of mild, agreeable, or roundabout word expressions used in place of coarse, painful, or offensive ones. Nowadays, English euphemisms have been playing an increasingly important role in interpersonal communications, and it gives us a wonderful show for a strong national culture characteristic. It is an indirect way to express people’s words. Obviously, using euphemisms can bring many friends to us, and it can also ensure communicate in languages going on smoothly. This paper aims to analyse the pragmatic study of euphemism in English, and it can help us learn more about the way of British’s thinking, even the style of national culture and British’s values. Moreover,there is a little doubt that pragmatic study of English euphemisms can improve us oral English communication skills. Key words: euphemisms; taboos; characteristics; application, 英语委婉语的语用研究 摘要:委婉语是一种不可明说的、能使人感到赞同的或者含糊的表达方法,它代替了那种具有令人不悦或者不够尊重的表达方式。近年来,英语委婉语在人们的交流中扮演者越来越重要的角色,它给我们展示了极强的民族文化特征,它是一种间接地语言表达形式。我们可以清楚地意识到运用委婉语可以给我们带来许多的朋友,它可以确保语言交流的顺利进行。本文旨在分析英语委婉语的语用研究,从而进一步的了解英国人的思维方式、民族文化和英国人的价值观。更值得一提的是,对英语委婉语用的研究可以提高我们自身英语交际能力。 关键字:委婉语;禁忌语;特点;用途 Contents 1. Introduction………………………………………………………………………………4 2. English euphemism in taboos……………………………….............................................4 2.1 Taboo for death………………………………………….............................................4 2.2 Taboo for Eros and pregnancy………………………………………………………..5 2.3 Taboo for physical disability…………………………………………………………6 2.4 Taboo for secretions and excretions………………………………………………….6 3. Characteristic of English euphemism…………………………………………………….6 3.1 National character…………………………………………………………………….6 3.2 Regionalism…………………………………………………………………………..7 3.3 Langua


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