A Tentative Research in Nonverbal Interaction in Cross-cultural Business Communication 跨文化商务交际中的非语言交际.doc

A Tentative Research in Nonverbal Interaction in Cross-cultural Business Communication 跨文化商务交际中的非语言交际.doc

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跨文化商务交际中的非语言交际 NONVERBAL COMMUNICATION RESEARCH IN CROSS-CULTURAL BUSINESS COMMUNICATION Abstract Abstract: Communication can be divided into two categories, namely, verbal communication and nonverbal communication. Nonverbal communication can exert influences on people’s communication, reflect people’s thoughts and complement the verbal communication. Nonverbal communication is universal. It is part of culture and a mirror of culture. Doing business with another people from different culture means learning that culture’s nonverbal signals as well. It becomes imperative that people should not simply try to interpret messages of others with his or her local frames of reference. People usually use different parts of the body to convey the message and exchange their ideas. This is so called non-verbal communication, which includes gestures, posture, facial expression, distance between speakers, clothes of communicators and so on. Body language differs from culture to culture, therefore body language in different countries means differently. This paper explores the form, the range as well as functions of nonverbal communication in cross-cultural business world, and puts forward some suggestions on how to avoid and deal with the conflicts or misunderstanding when encountering people from different cultures. Key words: cultural interflows; nonverbal communication; cross-cultural business communication 摘要:交际可以被分为语言交际以及非语言交际。非语言交际的重要性体现在它能够影响人们的交流,反映人们的思想,是语言交际的重要补充。它无所不在,源于文化又反映文化。和不同文化的国家的人做贸易就不可忽视对它的非语言交际的研究。仅用本国的文化框架来解释他国的文化是行不通的。人们在传递信息,交流思想感情时,如仅使用文字或言语,有时不够生动形象,因而这时就需要非语言交际。人们利用身体各部分来传递信息,交流思想。它包括手势,姿态,面部表情,交谈者之间的距离,谈话者选择衣着打扮的方法所传递的信息等等。本文探讨了非语言交际的形式及其在跨文化商务活动中的主要范围,并阐述其对商务活动的影响和应对策略 关键词:文化交融;非语言交际;跨文化商务交际 CONTENTS 1. Introduction………………………………………………………………………….....1 1.1 Purpose of the study 1.2 Literature Review 2. The definition and the functions of nonverbal communication……………….….……2 2.1The definition of nonverbal communication 2.2 The functions of nonverbal communi



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