A Tentative Study on the Cultural Differences and Translation of English and Chinese Idioms 浅析东西文化差异和英汉习语翻译.doc

A Tentative Study on the Cultural Differences and Translation of English and Chinese Idioms 浅析东西文化差异和英汉习语翻译.doc

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浅析东西文化差异文化差异和英汉习语翻译 A Tentative Study on the Cultural Differences and Translation of English and Chinese Idioms 摘要 随着中外文化交流的日益频繁,数量众多的国外优秀文学、影视作品被引进至国内。为了让中国读者能够体会到作品中语言的精彩之处,对翻译者提出了越来越高的要求,这其中尤其以习语的翻译最为困难。来自于不同国家的人对相同习语有各自不同的理解,这是因为国与国之间在文化习俗和宗教传统等众多方面存在不同。只有对这些差异有了深刻的理解,才能做出恰当的翻译。 由于翻译的过程并不是两种语言间单纯的信息转换过程, 而是在诸如文化、历史、传统、意识形态等因素参与下的综合信息调和与转换的过程, 因此, 翻译中绝对的意义对等是不可能存在的, 况且在创作的过程中, 作者需要调动各方面的认知知识, 把社会心理、民族心理等综合在内, 因此他的作品往往含有民族偏见、政治偏见和意识形态上的歪曲。而在翻译过程中, 由于作者和译者在文化以及社会认知等方面的差异, 在译入语中不可避免地会产生意义偏离。考虑到目的语读者的接受能力, 翻译中的偏离是难免的, 且有时还是必要的 本文首先描述了习语翻译的重要性,然后介绍了习语的翻译基本方法和标准:直译法、意译法、替代法和解释法。在此之后,本文提出了实行这些翻译方法的总原则,即在尊重文化、宗教、习俗的差异的原则下选择适宜的方法进行翻译。然后,作者选择了一些英语和汉语的典型习语翻译并进行了语料分析和比较。最后就习语的翻译进行了总结并提出了几点建议。 好的习语翻译既要短小精炼,又要准确表达习语的具体意思;既要体现源语种的文化内涵,又要不失本土特色;既要表达精彩,又要便于理解。本研究通过习语翻译的研究,旨在寻求一套适宜的翻译策略和方法,从而提高翻译质量。 关键词:习语、文化差异、文化交流、翻译 Abstract As a result of the frequent communication between foreign countries and China, many excellent foreign literature and movies come into the vision of Chinese people. In order to ensure that readers can taste the significance of the language, translators are meeting increasing higher requirements, in which, translation of idioms is perhaps the toughest one. Cultural, religion and custom differences play an important role while translating and successful translation can be made only with consideration of these factors. A proper translation of idioms is not only helpful but also necessary for intercultural communication and promoting of international culture. Therefore, translation of idioms is more cultural communication than simple translation of these two languages. The mastery of the technique for translating idioms is a must to the cultivation of linguistic comprehension and intercultural competence. The paper first describes the significance of the translation of idioms, then introduces the general principles and criteria of idiom translation. The main strategies of idiom translation –include literal translation, free translation and, uses of idioms wit



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