About questioning and teaching effectiveness 课堂提问与教学效果.doc

About questioning and teaching effectiveness 课堂提问与教学效果.doc

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课堂提问与教学效果 论文摘要 我相信大家都知道,在现代社会“提问”变得越来越重要了。它在教学里扮演着一个非常重要的角色。也许你不知道它为什么那么重要,但是我可以说,它是教学环节中最重要的。对老师来说它很重要,因为老师通过提问可以了解到学生的掌握情况从而找到更适合学生的教学方法。同样地,它对学生也非常重要。在课堂上,学生没有听清楚老师说什么或者不明白来说的意思,又或者不知道怎么解决难题,他们都可以通过提问来更好的掌握知识点。除此之外,提问还起着承上启下的作用。因此,课堂提问变得越来越重要了。但是,我们应该怎么做呢?在我看来,首先我们应该弄清楚“什么是有效的课堂提问,提问的目的是什么,提问有哪些原则和影响”。我相信当我们弄清楚了这些问题之后,我们会对提问与教学之间的关系有一个更好的了解。那么,我们一起来看看吧! 关键词:课堂提问,教学效果,促进作用 About questioning and teaching effectiveness Abstract: I think most of us know that in the modern society, questions become more and more important. It plays an important role in teaching. Maybe you don’t understand why it is important. But I can tell you that it’s almost the most important part in teaching and learning. It’s very important to teachers because they can acknowledge how much the students have learned. After that ,they can change their means for teaching which are more suitable for the students .Also ,it’s important to students .They can ask when they don’t listen to the teacher clearly or when they just don’t understand the teacher or how to solve the problems . Then they can ask questions and have a good understanding about the points during the class .Besides, questionings before or after class is also very important because questions link the preceding and the following. Then how to questioning in class becomes more and more serious. But how can we do? In my opinion ,I think that we must make out what’s questioning effectiveness , what’s the purpose of questioning ,what are the principles and what are the influences . After we know all these, I think we can have a good understanding about the relationship between questioning and teaching effectiveness. Then let’s have a good look at it. Key words: questioning in class, teaching effectiveness, promoting effect. About questioning and teaching effectiveness As is known to all, questioning in class is class an important method in teaching .But still different people have different opinions. Some think it is necessary, some t



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