Body Language in Intercultural Communication 跨文化交际中的身势语.doc

Body Language in Intercultural Communication 跨文化交际中的身势语.doc

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跨文化交际中的身势语 Body Language in Intercultural Communication Contents 摘 要 i Abstract ii 1. Introduction 1 1.1 Definition of Body Language 1 1.2 The Significance of Body Language 1 2. Classification and Function of Body Language 2 2.1Classification of Body Language 2 2.1.1 Classification According to Body Parts 2 2.1.2 Classified By the Way of the Movements 5 2.1.3 The Most Common Ways of Classification 5 2.2Function of Body Language 6 3. The Differences and Application of Body Language 7 3.1 The Distance 7 3.2 Eye Contact 9 3.3 Gesture 9 3.4 Postures 12 3.4.1 The Same Posture Conveying Different Meanings in Different Cultures 12 3.4.2 Different Posture Conveying the Same Meaning in Different Cultures 14 3.5 Facial Expression 14 3.6 Touch 15 4. The Change of Modern Body Language 16 5. Conclusion 17 Bibliography 18 摘 要 身势语作为非语言交际,在跨文化交际中有着不可忽视的重要作用。无论一个人是坐着还是站着,是微笑亦或是眨眼,他都在传递着一定的信息。每个国家都有自己的文化,所以身势语言也不尽相同。即使是在同一个文化地域,有时候相同的身势语言可能也会有不同的含义。例如,一个人微笑可能是因为他高兴,因为他想表达他对说话对象的友善、赞同和满意的态度,但也可能是心生不满而暗地讽刺所不自觉表露的出来的表情。另外,当一个人极度悲伤的时候,也可能会用笑来掩饰内心的痛苦。根据维基百科的记录,在一个人所传递出的信息中,有60%-70%的信息是来自于非语言的行为,即,身势语。所以,只有了解其他国家和文化的人在说话同时所表现出来的手势、身体的姿势、眼神等等身势语,才能与他们进行准确有效的交流。本文旨在详细分析各肢体语言的功能,及在不同国家肢体语言的差异与应用,以达到流畅无阻,合理有效的中外交流。 关键词:身势语 中外交流 功能 Abstract Body language, which is the nonverbal behavior, plays a vital role in intercultural communication. One sits, stands, smiles, winks, etc,all can convey his information, attitude and emotion. Each body language in different country has different meaning. Even on particular occasion, the same body language in the same country may have different significance. For example, we can observe one’s smile when he is speaking, which can indicate his happiness, friendliness, approval,?satisfaction, satire, dread, sadness and etc. According to Wikipedia, research has suggested that between 60 and 70 percent of all meaning is derived from nonverbal behavior. So in order to communicate effectively in a foreign language, one should know the gestures, body movements, manne



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