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A Survey Course 课

英语国家概况 English-speaking Countries —A Survey Course 课程编号:0320040B 学 分:2学分 学 时:32学时 先修课程:综合英语、英语阅读等基础课程 适用专业:英语(师范)、英语(国际商务与翻译) 建议教材:《英语国家社会与文化入门》(上、下册)主编:朱永涛;出版社:高等教育出版 社;版次:1997年 8月第一版 开课系所:外国语学院英语系 一、课程的性质与任务 课程性质:学科(专业)基础必修课 课程任务:运用社会语言学、文化语言学、语用学、语义学、翻译学等相关领域的理论原则 与方法,英语国家概况在引入当代讲英语的几个主要国家地理、历史、政治、经济、社会生 活和文化传统等内容的基础上,探索研究以上诸多因素对英语语言学习和运用的影响,揭示 文化与语言交际深层次关系。开设本课的目的在于让学生熟悉并掌握主要英语国家的地理、 历史、政治、经济、社会生活和文化传统等方面的基本知识;使学生具有较多的社会与文化 知识;培养学生具有较强的英语口头和书面表达能力;培养学生的创新意识和创新能力。 二、课程的基本内容及要求 (一)Introduction: The United Kingdom 1.课程教学内容 A complicated country with a complicated name; The effects of its imperial past 2.课程的重点、难点 Wales’ unification with the UK 3.课程教学要求 Learn about what is the correct name of UK, its impact in the past and its influence now (二)Chapter 1 Great Britain 1.课程教学内容 A cultural and economic dominance of England; Physical features of Scotland; A cultural division between highland and lowland 2.课程的重点、难点 A cultural and economic dominance of England; A cultural division between highland and lowland 3.课程教学要求 Learn about the cultural and economic dominance of England (三)Chapter 2 Northern Ireland 1.课程教学内容 1 Population and physical features of Northern Ireland; Economy of Northern Ireland; The religious conflicts between the Irish and the British; Civil Rights Movement and collapse of the power-sharing 2.课程的重点、难点 Population and physical features of Northern Ireland; Economy of Northern Ireland; Cooperation between the British and Irish governments 3.课程教学要求 Learn about the general information about Northern Ireland’s Population, Economy, religious conflicts, physical features, etc. (四)Chapter 3 The Government of the United Kingdom 1.课程教学内容 The Monarchy; Divine right of kings; The civil war; Charles I; The Great Council; The Bill of Rights of 1689; The Cabinet; The Constitution; The power and the functions of the Parliament; The roles of the monarch; The House of the Lords 2.课程的重点、难点


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