Asymptotics of the average height of 2--watermelons with a wall.pdf

Asymptotics of the average height of 2--watermelons with a wall.pdf

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Asymptotics of the average height of 2--watermelons with a wall

a r X i v : m a t h / 0 6 0 7 1 6 3 v 2 [ m a t h .C O ] 4 S e p 2 0 0 6 ASYMPTOTICS OF THE AVERAGE HEIGHT OF 2–WATERMELONS WITH A WALL. MARKUS FULMEK Abstract. We generalize the classical work of de Bruijn, Knuth and Rice (giving the asymptotics of the average height of Dyck paths of length n) to the case of p– watermelons with a wall (i.e., to a certain family of p nonintersecting Dyck paths; simple Dyck paths being the special case p = 1.) We work out this asymptotics for the case p = 2 only, since the computations involved are already quite complicated (but might be of some interest in their own right). 1. Introduction The model of vicious walkers was originally introduced by Fisher [9] and received much interest, since it leads to challenging enumerative questions. Here, we consider special configurations of vicious walkers called p–watermelons with a wall . Briefly stated, a p–watermelon of length n is a family P1, . . . Pp of p nonintersecting lattice paths in Z2, where ? Pi starts at (0, 2i? 2) and ends at (2n, 2i? 2), for i = 1, . . . , p, ? all the steps are directed north–east or south–east, i.e., lead from lattice point (i, j) to (i+ 1, j + 1) or to (i+ 1, j ? 1), ? no two paths Pi, Pj have a point in common (this is the meaning of “noninter- secting”). The height of a p–watermelon is the y–coordinate of the highest lattice point contained in any of its paths (since the paths are nonintersecting, it suffices to consider the lattice points contained in the highest path Pp; see Figure 1 for an illustration.) A p–watermelon of length n with a wall has the additional property that none of the paths ever goes below the line y = 0 (since the paths are nonintersecting, it suffices to impose this condition on the lowest path P1; see Figure 2 for an illustration.). In [2], Bonichon and Mosbah considered (amongst other things) the average height H(n, p) of p–watermelons of length n with a wall, H(n, p) = 1 #(all p-watermelons of length n) × ∑ h h ·#(all p-


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