
Iron as a tracer in galaxy clusters and groups.pdf

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Iron as a tracer in galaxy clusters and groups

a r X i v : a s t r o - p h / 9 7 0 6 0 8 3 v 1 9 J u n 1 9 9 7 Iron as a Tracer in Galaxy Clusters and Groups Alvio Renzini1 European Southern Observatory, Karl-Schwarzschild-Strasse 2, D-85748, Garching bei Mu?nchen, Germany, Received ; accepted To appear in ApJ, October 10, 1997 1On leave from: Dipartimento di Astronomia, Universita? di Bologna, Italy. – 2 – ABSTRACT Available X-ray data are collected and organized concerning the iron and gas content of galaxy clusters and groups, together with the optical luminosity, mass and iron abundance of cluster galaxies. Moving from such a restricted number of cluster parameters several astrophysical inferences are drawn. These include the evidence for rich clusters having evolved without much baryon exchange with their surrondings, and having experienced very similar star formation histories. Groups are much gas-poor compared to clusters, and appear instead to have shed a major fraction of their original cosmic share of baryons, which indicates that galaxy clusters cannot have formed by assembling groups similar to the present day ones. It is argued that this favors low-? universes, in which the growth of rich clusters is virtually complete at high redshifts. It is also argued that elemental abundances in clusters are nearly solar, which is consistent with a similar proportion of supernovae of Type Ia and Type II having enriched both the solar neghborhood as well clusters as a whole. Much of the iron in clusters appears to reside in the intracluster medium rather than inside galaxies, the precise ratio being a function of the Hubble constant. It appears that the baryon to star conversion in clusters has been nearly as efficient as currently adopted for the universe as a whole. Yet the metallicity of the clusters is ~ 5 times higher than the global metallicity adopted for the nearby universe. It is concluded that the intergalactic medium should have a metallicity ~ 1/3 solar if stellar nucleosynthesi


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