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Microphysics Options in WRF Jimy Dudhia NCAR/MMM Microphysics ?? Provides atmospheric heat and moisture tendencies ?? Microphysical rates ?? Surface rainfall Ferrier Qi/Qs/ Qg Qv Qc Qr Kessler WSM3 Lin et al./WSM6 WSM5 Illustration of Microphysics Processes mp_physics=1 Kessler scheme ?? Warm rain – no ice ?? Idealized microphysics ?? Time-split rainfall ARW only mp_physics=2 Purdue Lin et al. scheme ?? 5-class microphysics including graupel ?? Includes ice sedimentation and time- split fall terms ARW only mp_physics=3 WSM 3-class scheme ?? From Hong, Dudhia and Chen (2004) ?? Replaces NCEP3 scheme ?? 3-class microphysics with ice ?? Ice processes below 0 deg C ?? Ice number is function of ice content ?? Ice sedimentation ?? Semi-lagrangian fall terms in V3.2 ARW only mp_physics=4 WSM 5-class scheme ?? Also from Hong, Dudhia and Chen (2004) ?? Replaces NCEP5 scheme ?? 5-class microphysics with ice ?? Supercooled water and snow melt ?? Ice sedimentation ?? Semi-lagrangian fall terms in V3.2 mp_physics=14 WDM 5-class scheme ?? Version of WSM5 that is double- moment for warm rain processes ?? 5-class microphysics with ice ?? CCN, and number concentrations of cloud and rain also predicted ARW only mp_physics=5 Ferrier (current NAM) scheme ?? Designed for efficiency –? Advection only of total condensate and vapor –? Diagnostic cloud water, rain, ice (cloud ice, snow/ graupel) from storage arrays – assumes fractions of water ice within the column are fixed during advection ?? Supercooled liquid water ice melt ?? Variable density for precipitation ice (snow/ graupel/sleet) – “rime factor” ?? mp_physics=85 (nearly identical) for HWRF mp_physics=6 WSM 6-class scheme ?? From Hong and Lim (2006, JKMS) ?? 6-class microphysics with graupel ?? Ice number concentration as in WSM3 and WSM5 ?? New combined snow/graupel fall speed ?? Semi-lagrangian fall terms mp_physics=16 WDM 6-class scheme ?? Version of



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