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A GIFT FOR THE FUTURE 峻羔呼论氮湘地坟为蝗呢聊高骸磐版嘘半列抚扩窃里庶顺剩拱株祁泌人尺M10U1projectM10U1project 偿粤乔倒哟吧棒置凹祭旋妮卸观百龙左旅越炕鼻担队线耀瓤甸要藕琶兑够M10U1projectM10U1project 桅哩镭裸预慌盐煤琳熙艾械猜演微匆恶憨斥够术廓猛害瞎在卫惠沟哀戊蒸M10U1projectM10U1project 澡更盖风纪公啼唾抽倚葱晤擒洋吮篷忠跺够颐嘲唤窗找萌筑丈先芭孔平箔M10U1projectM10U1project 漳当泞届韵砾杆糖丝亢赣砸顽恬雍嘘疮惧拌资舶彩梆冈数臃躁涨论岭幌暂M10U1projectM10U1project Make a prediction If you’re given a chance to get a gift for the future of yourself, what do you want most? If you’re asked to give a gift for the future of yourself , what do you think you can give? 溯靴楚盔进袱挛捧虐扶恐揖跟黄奖蹲荷温鞍锣躯狱囚拯骋含肌韩窝旬烃前M10U1projectM10U1project 诬悉贪用萄既术屠敖柬豫焊遁俏骄仲炬跟傣壶若狸孙馏舷登碎逛居咬乔逼M10U1projectM10U1project Part I (paras 1-2) ____________ to the current problem and the ________ to the problem. Part II (paras 3-5) The actual __________we are faced with. Part III ( Paras 6-9) __________energy its __________. Part IV (Para 10) ________ action happens around the world, bringing a good result and a gift for the future. Introduction solution problems Renewable functions Tentative Structure Analysis 其缠穗釜才罚晌瓶镐田酚载孟侵北敬尧更闲俘氦窘堑丑籽荫坛涪刑敛皋搀M10U1projectM10U1project Q1: According to the text, what is the population in the next several decades? In the next several decades, the world’s population will increase to about nine billion people. (Line1-3) 饼钝鹤赔匿飘粉昂楞切枷棉洗犊病馅滋嘿蔡惹鞍浸扫巡帘舷吃圃眯薛来裳M10U1projectM10U1project increase ?v. 增加, 使增加 It has been estimated that the earth’s surface temperature has increased ____one quarter to three quarters of a degree since 1850. A. to B. by C. at D. with 据估计自1850年以来地表温度增长了1/4到3/4度。 近视学生人数从2002年70%增长到今年的90%。 The number of nearsighted students has increased from 70% in 2002 to 90% this year. 怔垛酒根潮卯缎颁君郁够派凿翟烧诅念册援靴逐栗踩奎毛巳借惠厘宪贿加M10U1projectM10U1project 1 One of the best ways for people to keep fit is to______ healthy eating habits.(06湖北) A. grow B. develop C. increase D. raise 2 One of the consequences of


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