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246 水 生 生 物 学 报 14卷 参 考 文 献 王供春,19Bl。植物抗性生理。植物生理学通讯,(6):72一Bl。 胡肄慧、陈章龙、陈灵芝,I 981。屙眼莲等水生植物对重盎屑污水盅飒I和净化作用的研究。 植物生卷学与地 植物学且刊,5(3) 187—192 吴振斌等,IgB8。石化座水中犀}对屙取莲生长的影响。永生生物学报,12(2):1 2.5—132。 华柬师范尢学生物系植物生理教研室,19B0。植物生理学实验指导。86—90页 高等教育出版社n 昊振斌等,19B7。 匾取莲净化燕山石抽化工座水的研究 I.动态授拟试验。 永生生物学报,II(2)_139— 1 0。 Dinges,R., I 978 Upgrading stabilization pond effluent by witer hyacinth culture. ,. W PCF, 50(5):833-845. M iddlerb rooke,E.J.. 1982.W atef Reusc,P.3}9一 {19 Ann Arbor StieHGe Publl shc r. Pa in湖 .G..19B1.The big ca sk— — was watef【rea c㈣ c bY wate r hy4clath、 Chrmieal Engine- ering.8骞(9):37-39、 H alle r,W .T.J I 974.Effect s of salinity On growth of several quatic matrophytes、 E~otogy. 55:89l一 894. EFFECTS OF THE SALINITY IN PETR0CHEMICAL 、7队 STE、7队 TER ON THE GR0W TH AND PURIFI. CAT10N EFFICIENCY 0F 、7 TER HYACINTHS Wu Zhenbin, Qiu Changqiang, Xia Yicheng and Wang Demlng L』?lit t 。 H oblology,Academi Simca,Wuhan 450072) Abstract When conductivity of wastewater wa higher than 5 000 p.S/cm,water hyacinths(日 0一 , ia crassipes Solms.1 would die in 4 feW days due tO poisoning.W hen conductivity was over 2 300 s/cm,a reduction of growth rate,chlorophyll content and ch1.a/b ratio of the plant oc- curTed but the permeability of cell membrame increased.The optimum growth conditions of the plant occurred at conductivity below l 700 uS/cm.The toxic components other than*alts in Yan— shan petrochemical wastewater enhanced the toxicity of salinity.W eh wastewater was filtered through activated carbon or allowed to degrade naturally,the toxicity would have a reinarkahle decrease It should also be pointed OUt that the purification efficiency of water hyacinths was related negatively with salinity The purification efficiencies to COD,oil, ttrogen, phenol and other pollutants in the wastewaters are different in accordance with the different methods of t~easmerlt.Among the experiments,g~;ups of moderate salinity always revealed maxi— mum purification efficiencies.Under the experimental


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