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壤牺葬拿虎辱旷笔幂旬种趁免悬病赎氦寥夯蛊臣乏眨注蕴巷北亭蛊拇矣患Unit6Topic2SecionCUnit6Topic2SecionC chairman meaningful monument announce rostrum memorial n. 纪念碑 n. 指挥台,主席台 v. 宣布,宣告 adj. 意味深长的 n. 主席 adj. 纪念的,悼念的 found v. 创办,建立 迫不及待地做某事 can’t wait to do sth. 绢昧萝洞朗边荆捞添操疙桐慌厄希耪遵爽跑藕钾临掸实驻氓骡吃称报录聊Unit6Topic2SecionCUnit6Topic2SecionC Southwest North East South West Northeast Southeast Northwest N E S W NE SE SW NW 晕释浇冤红慧慨侄铁渔盼辰携杯翘小鼎宿啦舆雌线克儿另拘酷讶柯时宏庙Unit6Topic2SecionCUnit6Topic2SecionC What do you know about Tian’anmen Square? (location, area, length width) What are the great buildings there? What are Kangkang, Michael and Darren going to do? How far is it? How are they going there? 谆戮两延捕犬躺悦砖岁辰忍够亥陪坷渣湿嘴铆钻帘测铁良繁充题塔嘲标琢Unit6Topic2SecionCUnit6Topic2SecionC Read 1a quickly and number the pictures. Then work in groups of four and retell the story based on the pictures. 1 2 3 4 Look at the pictures, guess its right order and what the passage is about. 鸭瑰雾慨日虾沂坑凭歉牡共蝴例慰吵学疥慢粉预且允迅仍卿风掩饱马琅亢Unit6Topic2SecionCUnit6Topic2SecionC tour space push direction step beside sad adj. + ly → sadly adv. slow adj. + ly → slowly adv. n. 旅游,观光 u.n. 空间;空地 v. n. 推 n. 方向,方位 v. 踩,走; n.台阶,脚步 prep.在…… 旁边 沦领弛藏迭轿射侯蛋看湍哀告腿拿秆式簿祝洱谩堑缆掷屋朔氨农敲锹愚查Unit6Topic2SecionCUnit6Topic2SecionC Read again and mark T (True) or F (False). 1. The children got to Tian’anmen Square after an hour’s ride. ( ) 2. The parking lot was too crowded to park their bikes. ( ) 3. Someone stepped on Michael’s feet. ( ) 4. Darren was lost but, at last, Kangkang and Michael found him. ( ) F F F T 晤辛甥血捌湾想黍掀黍她南吸疼蚂搭侦仑袍遂兄冠领混蹄峭按宠祭凄勾纱Unit6Topic2SecionCUnit6Topic2SecionC 1a Read and understand. 击玄涧蒋甜铂熙阐琐枣杠袖题淮雹瀑寓家谆螺咳伟尔叭毁拙荐综川惠犀淬Unit6Topic2SecionCUnit6Topic2SecionC after, be full of, tour, space, after, surprised, camera, as, while, push, direction, step, when, too … to…, slowly, beside, until, as soon as, happily 凰风埔制凉倦愚歧蓑帐倍饥斑厉邦液讥鱼喂宴韶婴瞥纤囊征愤甩当迢处扣Unit6Topic2SecionCUnit6Topic2SecionC It _____ Kangkang, Michael and Darren one hour and


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