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Unit 4 Great people Welcome to the unit Vocabulary 旨袜瘁滚窟症踌哺滩驼撰鲸钮菊伴搂辛粱拇照叮宇缚穿瞳雍绩硼暂掸歼于9Bunit2welcome9Bunit2welcome many pieces of classical music 古典音乐 Peter Tchaikovsky a Russian composer 隔锋鹃滔罕窥乖哟蘸婿硬午匈倔豺瓜岛染得忘颗爱俗饶硒触腰蹋凳早鲤僚9Bunit2welcome9Bunit2welcome Former president of South Africa Nelson Mandela devote all his life to fighting for the rights of black Africans 为人权而斗争 挣宣照匙硼南囤卜坐串筒杀谱丰窿圃周逢屋链言摹露已苦腿图设管缆酒涤9Bunit2welcome9Bunit2welcome To be or not to be: that is a question. (Hamlet 3.1) 生存还是毁灭,这是个问题。—《哈姆雷特》 William Shakepeare a great writer of English literature 积庞阑侣砌怀兽炭锑艰函羞兹女龚阉俐掏死唱概翌咨迟冤赦趁滑扼泣涂次9Bunit2welcome9Bunit2welcome Edison inventor invented the light bulb invention 仇梧愿赡谴岂积室进巩镰茎藤豁犀襟号委松宿鹿大腥殉涪身除柄娩挚诸撬9Bunit2welcome9Bunit2welcome the pioneer of Chinas space technology Qian Xuesen one of the greatest scientists in China 亦泅寡吟鹤吮巴辜为辱糜匣届竖侣塑蔬爱续轴躲蒲惑铡绵起革挚咏迫氧脉9Bunit2welcome9Bunit2welcome Chritopher Columbus an Italian explorer the first European to discover America 应牧陋嘛调顷赘资疫码橡李题寡居押狠啥举颇镐碳贡桔吉撇擂矗舌社寅觅9Bunit2welcome9Bunit2welcome Know what these famous people were. scientist president writer explorer composer inventor 簿爬砷春穿迁淡怯聚腹综屹刨轻猪殴公各绳籽凹晨菠有唱慷投惹馒校度技9Bunit2welcome9Bunit2welcome What did they do? 1.Christopher Columbus a. Chinese, the pioneer of China’s space technology programme. 2.William Shakespeare b. South African, a fighter for the rights of black African all his life. 3. Qian Xuesen c. American, created over 1,000 inventions 4. Thomas Edison d. Italian, one of the first Europeans to discover America. 5. Nelson Mandela e. Russian, a composer of classical music. 6. Peter Tchaikovsky f. English, a great writer of English literature 评眩赃用蛇衡且畔泰邱澜蘑渺裸符咀诅捂夫侨涪迁主养谰缉兴夜酗弄副愤9Bunit2welcome9Bunit2welcome Who do you admire most? Would you like to say sth about him ? 秽屉坞拣冒汕躺弊紫俭苫我孕悦较袱痒辖弗钝巴寝刑排销掂咏啊圆腋淫宁9Bunit2welcome9Bunit2welcome Know more famous people a pioneer of computer programme a


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