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九年级英语期末试题(三) 一、单项选择 1. Simon likes playing ______ chess, while her brother is interested in playing _____ guitar. A. /, the B. the, / C. /, / D. the; the 2. Audrey Hepburn is well-known ______ her perfect skill _____a great actress. A. as, as B. for, for C. as, for D. for, as 3. —There is somebody at the door. Who ___________ it be? Is it the postman? —No. It can’t be him. It’s just seven o’clock. It’s too early. A. must B. may C. will D. need 4. —Daniel, don’t watch such horror films again. —Sorry,_________. A. I will B. I don’t C. I do D. I won’t 5. -Would you like to be a singer? -I don’t like singing. I __________ to be a ballet dancer. A. would rather B. enjoy  C. prefer D. feel like 6. Life on Mars will be better than ________on Earth ______ many ways. A. the one, on B. that, in C. those, in D. the one, on 7. The explorer insisted ________ his advice was of ________. A. on, value    B. that, value    C. on, valuable  D. that, valuable 8. Unluckily, John’s father __________murder when he was in his forties. A. was charged with B. was wanted on C. was guilty with D. was involved of 9. —Why not go camping this weekend? —_______. A. You are right B. Good idea C. Thats right D. Never mind 10.His sister wanted to have him _____ the radio, but he had had it _____ already. A. repair, fix B. to repair, fix C. repaired, to fix D. repair, fixed 11. The teacher didn’t leave the classroom building until the papers _________ in the end. A. was put off B. was put out C. were put on D. were put away 12. While I_______ a detective story, someone_______ at the door. A. read, was knocking B. read, knocked C. was reading, knocked D. was reading, was knocking 13. Look! The reporters are covering these lively actresses’ wonderful performance_______. A. alive B. live


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