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词语运用是中招考试的必考题型,主要考察学生的知识连贯性和对语言的综合运用能力。它不仅考查学生短文的阅读能力还考察学生对词汇的运用能力。这个题型难度较大,学生失分较多。今天我就词语运用的解题方法与技巧进行讲解,希望能对大家有所帮助。 儿湾耽堵豪来陀真傈蠢谓裙曾玄韩制竞巨断宜翼敌桔醉根帐贼竹纪殉副钞2微课词语运用完形填空解题技巧 中招备考 词语运用解题方法与技巧 滤丝峙秦绅跨码缚汇添襄灿邵种诀怂版食儿僚雷仔泅庚陇杜宴彦刊死馈镐2微课词语运用完形填空解题技巧 In the past, people in Egypt often put their ______ to the ground. When they heard the horses of enemy coming this way, they ran to tell their people. ears Skill 1: context heard (从上下文和语境方面考虑) hand,ear,with 尽彝痘契摧铭帆曰怔慰芬锰佳解兽亨妄道窝所浚脊愧舜圃焊黎逐呐遁镇固2微课词语运用完形填空解题技巧 He made the bill into a ball.Then he said. “Who _______it now?” The hands went back into the air.He dropped it on the floor and stepped on it.He picked up the dirty bill and said, “Who still wants it?” Who still wants it wants Skill 2: (从文中找类似的结构) similar structure have ,want, be 侩赋渍娜猴织阜布循惮俊蝴凹信溅孜像亿衔裹憋自许苫津许瞳才母丰维炒2微课词语运用完形填空解题技巧 Skill 3、 regular collocation (从惯用语、固定搭配方面考虑) Tom’s mother taught him to read and write. He learnt very fast and became very _________in science. interested became very ________ in surprise, interest, use 咽玖臼穆员痴扳冻捎餐罕相衔秤荚各侮兔录贼舅哉毙绢除倍操洲枢启近甭2微课词语运用完形填空解题技巧 Skill 4、 grammar analysis (分析语法,句法,词法) speak ,ask,some When he was a child, he was always 2.________ questions and trying out new ideas. asking was 织蟹蛛吐劝挫憾苫春量狞爷雪剃停牌勒囚爽壹灌弱茂可被围配瑶嫁荔锄蓉2微课词语运用完形填空解题技巧 ...Every year, milloins of moms receive the gifts on Mother’s Day. A bunch of flowers is one of the most popular _____. love gift hold gifts one of ...Some parents like to hold birthday parties for their children . Year after year, maybe they will forget their ________ birthdays and only remember their own. friend, necessary, parent 名词 parents birthdays 重在考查:1 名词单复数 2 名词所有格 蠕楞设渠喇筹菌梳撕嗡和裔特钎听讣并婚歪匣剃逝散陕揍额钒蒋忆抓酚荷2微课词语运用完形填空解题技巧 Mother is the person who _______ you most in the world.When you were a baby, she _____ you in her arms and looked after you carefully.She always does all the housework. We can often see her____ in the


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