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Unit 7 教 案 Section A 1.教师使用课前准备好的实物或者图片,教学本课新生词。注意顺序上应该先单数名词再复数名词。教师边示范边板书句子和单词。 T: What is this/that? It’s a T-shirt/sweater/bag/hat. What are these/those? They are socks/shorts/trousers/shoes. 检查对话练习。 2.教师将实物或图片的顺序打乱,重复1.的对话,进行个人、小组和全班的检查。 3.让学生看图1a,教师念物品名称或播放听力磁带,学生圈出老师所念物品的对应番号。 4.教师边出示准备好的彩色图片,边教读: T: What color is it/are they? EMBED Equation.3 : It’s/They are black/white/red/green/blue. T: Is it/Are they long or short? Is it/Are they small or big? 检查学生的对话。 5.T: This bag is 8 dollars. How much is this bag? EMBED Equation.3 : It’s 8 dollars. T: How much is this/that/the...? EMBED Equation.3 : It is...dollars/yuan. 6.T: How much are these/those...? EMBED Equation.3 : They are...dollars/yuan. 7.要求学生就1a中的物品开展对话,完成2c的操练,并检查。 8.做2a、2b的听力练习,订正。 9.场景设置:in a shop/store背景介绍可参见《教师用书》,Culture Note T—Shop Clerk; —Costumer 示范:T→→T T: Can I help you? EMBED Equation.3 : Yes. T: What do you want? EMBED Equation.3 : I want a bag. T: What color do you want? EMBED Equation.3 : I want... T: Ok. Here you are. EMBED Equation.3 : How much is it? T: It’s 8 dollars. It’s cheap. Do you want to take it? EMBED Equation.3 : I will take it. Thank you. T: You are welcome. 将物品替换成3b里的物品,再与学生集体操练(T→Ss→T)。 巡视学生的交易现场,给予帮助。检查对话表演。 10.要求学生填句子,完成3a的对话。要学生分角色朗读对话,纠正语音。 11.以小组team为单位,做4 Game的记忆游戏。 eg: The red shorts are 5 yuan. The green socks are 4 yuan. This black sweater is long. That white T-shirt is small. 12.复习和总结Grammar Focus。 Section B 13.复习旧句型引入数字的教学。 T—Customer Si—Clerk EMBED Equation.3 : Can I help you? T: Yes. EMBED Equation.3 : What do you want? T: I want a blue bag and a blue sweater. EMBED Equation.3 : Here you are. T: How much is the bag? EMBED Equation.3 : It’s 5 dollars. T: How much is the sweater? EMBED Equation.3 : It’s 7 dollars. T: How much are they? EMBED Equation.3 /T: They are 12(twelve). T: They are cheap. I will take them. Thank you. EMBED Equation.3 : You’re welcome. 通过对话引起学生对大于10的数字的兴趣,板书并教读。注意提出这些数字的书写规律。教生词cheap


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