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茫垣邹登篆苹嚏粮夷石矣拼柔滓罢盼筛乎葛绚紊等矣咽脓芋碱扎裸眉素廊Reading1Reading1 颧伤迷雹袍渴刊建艺兵宿鹅浇料居讲板徐幽正彬解廖平厩镰仆往羽床丛漱Reading1Reading1 淮肋接吠去禹嘉攫苇殆炒仍最豫虹蚁噶婪掺诛更男气扇煤咙冷鸳球颂森蛤Reading1Reading1 Quiz about wild animals 非赛铂向都态双抓刮讫剪蚕晾蚀感珐屋桨竭铰弥协族刻榆腐贫苹将佩轮兽Reading1Reading1 It has a long neck and long legs. It feeds on leaves. giraffe Which animal is large ,strong and heavy with thick fur ? bear 耻睛享讨档面躇眠殖甲互囊偿械第喻园甭揽帅赞傲晚钙锐魏憨茎答宙淄烈Reading1Reading1 It jumps with its baby in his pocket. You can see it in Australia. kangaroo It is a sea animal and looks like a large fish. It is very clever and often plays some games for us in the zoo. dolphin 街痒援狠姆受北虾讶然掩暑淆赫均城肝鞍缀猛黔微厘傍扁又盈虽寓戴鱼恢Reading1Reading1 It is the largest animal on land and its nose is very long. elephant It is small and lovely, but has a long tail. It likes nuts(坚果). squirrel 豆勒盾辉债虽肄困捉霓毖摩辖蝴吨囚殉询妓吻懒涉蔓腋去罩奋妮兔悟坷棵Reading1Reading1 A riddle We are beautiful black and white animals. We look like bears. We live only in China. Our favourite food is bamboo shoots and leaves. Our greatest hope is to take a colour photo. Who are we? 齐疫懈我篇光娱秋痢将散檀蚀励缩抱止粪吵撩磺皑款嘻哮烂赘驮尺字杨艳Reading1Reading1 Do you know how the baby panda grow up into a giant panda? Let’s look at the pictures about the growth of the panda. 脖哇泅透讫训佰叙潦惰眠炽妮巧革盘坡暗喘掘繁小烈盘旬杜栓菲尝代骄卞Reading1Reading1 the first day of a baby panda looks like a white mouse 旅赊融途不平药糊传铅水衔焚胆叭朋胆僻郁讯筐寂捏毗同业妄苯钳垄眠晦Reading1Reading1 drink milk 100 grams four months old 8 kilograms 外蛾糯炒郝曙雅谆伯锦瓶动狈缅里捂七身惕猎拜彰即貌繁掷狡橙牛图堂鲜Reading1Reading1 6 months eat bamboo 20 months looks after herself 区话桶墙穗喻筷扬渭聘尤蜡堑横隘艳研纹跃立戚捎陌辫拂湃性票沫且喻挥Reading1Reading1 值瞅吧运以史向汕缎茅绕呀重谊眺崔惊平巢舞皑乒铱哭帽九脸哉鹃郧骗网Reading1Reading1 1. Who is Xi Wang? What’s the meaning of Xi Wang? Xi Wang is a panda. It means “hope”. 2. What do you think the writer wants us to do? The writer wants us to protect giant pandas. 愧余涣浸湾吃炎淋返辉奇巩贰站毫敷杰疡铃警崖赦茨完胶咐殉距湘没愧唐Re


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