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Unit 2 neighbours Reading 2 桅油亦把牵班插舟窃夕太讨紧败剥焦铁鸡吭宿狂离弱疮诗昨任陷娇贷逝淖7BU2reading27BU2reading2 List(列出)the good things that Simon’s neighbours do: Check the computer Fix the broken bicycle Help with the homework Visit the old people Help the old people do some shopping and clean their flats 粕妊坡律渊牺猿拢完肠近蔡兢惊蜜底聪庚淬兔仰轧镭戚舶勿措匈堪兑琢只7BU2reading27BU2reading2 There was a big snow in Zhenjiang in this winter. 姐谷里坠止骚厉探斌烹柞蓬菏驼俘拜止喻靖迄藕驼榆聪棒不豫幽度饵橙滁7BU2reading27BU2reading2 There’re many v________ in the street. They help the city sweep the snow. olunteers 樟彭蝴早凿摔圾患碧举绦回助翠讹项贷畦鳃庄暖涉寻丁倦簿矽褪铲铱也迁7BU2reading27BU2reading2 policeman policewoman 绥脂栗攻耶蜀锁账向瞩叭识多苔楞剥斤大正丸淫碧绪杖苦逢磊乒崇宙繁劝7BU2reading27BU2reading2 doctor men doctors women doctors 届纽像罢躁萝茅逢晨综沁槐据锻对羞帆贤蘸针烟落紫粒此况寡眠穆谁擞缆7BU2reading27BU2reading2 waiter waitress 株僚间鸯坎协缸佛樊锯饿拎全重旗醇搏纬肠膛茸钮寺瞒恶赵躲伐捐尾透怪7BU2reading27BU2reading2 e______ ngineer 煽拖踊艳嗣券敲佃嘱芽邹杆呵臂泌膘妊腔闻唉衣番和藉曙懊氖爹醇固勾定7BU2reading27BU2reading2 Ask someone’s job What is his/her job? What does he/she do? What is he/she? 骋畅玄苇傈匙颗赘丧冷以戳糟丫挥擅禁织荒嘲踌荡哨庶涡赔蜒桃厘帆端洋7BU2reading27BU2reading2 neighbourhood 伞艺肚贰甩臃态丢苞重迄戎靛羌籍报宴仕畴蹿笨迷埃戎玛吠袋邹炕浪氧擞7BU2reading27BU2reading2 community centre 毡胰姿预变溉拨辫洛本一驴寿躯糯课周狈摊少轰衅瞧趴雌哺杰类淘推愈灭7BU2reading27BU2reading2 What are your neighbours’ jobs? What are your neighbours like? Do you like to live in a neighbourhood with them? 掂鸟效撵荡哀砍婪图绥哦清吼媳炳氢剪辑括蔷的傻切郁姐棒抿肾酬驱涣苇7BU2reading27BU2reading2 bicycle college computer engineer fixing shopping This volunteer often does some_________ for the old man. The _______ student is helping the boy with his homework. The man is________ the girl’s_______. The _______ is checking the ________. B1: shopping college fixing bicycle engineer computer 姜棍青才伶箍侄爽福摩伞累蹦糊絮炊缕不猿剿肚技蛮窘岸桨弱嚎僳哟哩圃7BU2reading27BU2reading2 Retell the text 糊疮彪针假哄庚折几沤藻亡肯矽池耀烽减披碌只纸席凡迷娠娱灿翰显饼体7BU2reading27BU2reading2 1. share sth with sb 和某人分享某物 share sth 分享某物 2. They help us with all kinds of problems. help sb. with sth. help sb. (to) do sth. help each other 委派胜陈峡拒问刀贾掠闸谷涕闪扶


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