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牛津高中英语教学设计 单 元:Unit 4 The next step 板 块:Grammar and usage Thoughts on the design: 本单元的内容是修辞典故。语言是文化的载体,是文化的结晶,又是文化的重要组成部分,典故中潜藏着大量的语言文化信息,是语言的重要组成部分。了解典故的出处与内涵,就能准确地理解其寓意,欣赏其魅力,对跨文化交际很有必要,无论是在书面语中,还是在口头语中,习语使用的频率都很高,有着重要的交际功能。本单元用一课时教学,采用发现法教学方法,即教师呈现语法结构,学生在感知和理解的基础上,通过观察和发现,从而归纳出语法规则。通过多媒体的导入和活动的开展,学生在准备、参与的过程中会充分体现教学目标,以亲历亲为的感受去领悟语言语法知识。 Teaching Aims: After learning the grammar, the students will be able to: 1. Know what an allusion is, how an allusion is used, and how to understand an allusion; 2. Apply what they have learned correctly. Teaching procedures: Step 1 Lead-in Get the students enjoy the following pictures and answer some questions. Question: Can you guess the meaning of each picture in Chinese? [Explanation] 利用图片、音像资料创设情境,以学生熟悉的内容为切入点,将枯燥的语法知识讲解转化为生动的生活情景,使课堂活动栩栩如生,让学生在逼真的生活空间中领悟典故语法知识的内涵,欣赏典故英语语言的魅力。 Step 2 More information about the topic 1. What are the expressions above called in Chinese? 典故 Allusions; When we refer to words or phrases like these to talk about another person or thing, we are using allusions. 2. Do you know some English allusions? (allusions in reading part) Scrooge—Living on my own, I also learnt to control the amount of money I spend each week. In fact, some of my friends say I am a bit of a Scrooge. (A character who is extremely mean. It comes from the novel A Christmas Carol). the prodigal son—When I went home for the holidays, I felt a bit like the prodigal son returning. (Someone who feels he is a good son. It comes from a story of the Prodigal Son in the Bible). 3. Introduce more allusions in English. a sacred cow—The board member was a sacred cow to the company. (Someone or something that is held in high regard and can not be harmed. It is from religion). be over the moon—Terry was over the moon because his favourite team had just won the championship match. (Someone who is very happy. It is from works). Pandora’s box—How could we have known that by work applying for a credit card we were opening Pandora’


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