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符净亭膜脊升寡驹勋科垒忘拷旭哭茨睦巷谤缨郊赐鹅辣罗孤毗艺古由膏赊Lesson43Lesson43 Are you proud of yourself ? What are you good at? 氯搂挣耗柑搔奢孺皋辩约剧耕哪代妆寐托畸搬卑卷翰丸竭换营冶便尹矿焊Lesson43Lesson43 Reading 檬苹元赂闪嚏照茫歌碧抒慌谜轮触及垣筋商迅弗试揩刮革污央情当狭婶底Lesson43Lesson43 Listen to the dialogue and fill in the blanks. 痹杨惯胯噪黑茬茁键竞会极恼怂市染渊鸟喝赫痢苔琵唐啡边膨涣稿歼柞城Lesson43Lesson43 1.help…with 帮助 做 2.help sb do sth 帮助某人做某事 3. be supposed to do sth被期望做\应该做 4. think about 考虑 5. make +adj 使 6. be good at 擅长于 Key Points He often helps me with my English. Let me help you carry the box. Liu yang is supposed to do his homework on weekends. I can think about this question. This story made me sad yesterday. Yao Ming is good at playing basketball. 噶酷魁憨刀岳驻诅相靠误效聚霖屁砰巾裴揉瓢佩鞘遮宫伺伙锻纠啪介培钮Lesson43Lesson43 7. be proud of 为 而自豪 8. make sense 有道理,有意义 9.Thank you for…非常感谢你 10. It’s my pleasure.乐意效劳 My mother is proud of you. What he said makes sense. Thank you for your help. 涧傈咸尿按欺稗窗份昧汰枕骏巧请仿濒溅债沂直椭仔药判梦杠写地擎咬坏Lesson43Lesson43 You can write about your special talents and personal strengths.你还可以写写你的特殊才能和个人特长。 talent 为可数名词,意为“天赋,才智”。 Jenny is a girl of many talents. 俺偏溅攻夕坑缆佯沸缨笺等超粤偏启友齐昼蜗皇摊购嘘捂泼范越悲贝掉绵Lesson43Lesson43 2.What makes you unique?是什么使你与众不同? “make +宾语+形容词”,结构意为“使……处于(某种状态),属于“make+宾语+宾语补足语”的结构之一。其中make 为使役动词,使……让……”。 It often makes me bored. 孟鼠悉由团像剥鹅辑琼瞥剔裙挽陶九眨淑洒奏循呻力互椎英会醇晓阂花滩Lesson43Lesson43 达标测评 帮助…… 做 2.帮助某人做某事 3. 被期望做\应该做 4. 考虑 5. 使……处于 6. 擅长于 7. 为 ……而自豪 8. 有道理,有意义 9. 非常感谢你 10.乐意效劳 逼渣缴放刁秩砌刚肘形柿彻悦折仕篱朗韦悼陶毖仪题挑箱曝悍拟驾颤弥歪Lesson43Lesson43 幅厅巩初屉鸭赘且鸦悍蛮希习稍簇俏约屹虹钉辑甄炳菌店锈署辗夺法恼檄Lesson43Lesson43 用所给词适当形式填空。 1。Thank you for ___(help) me with my Chinese homework. 2.What are you ___(well) at? 3.Wang Mei is _____(think about) the question. 4.Can you make ___(sense) what I say? 5.We __(be) proud of our powerful country. 1.helping 2.good 3.thinking about4.sense 5.are 鲁艾挡擂坠廉箩糯搔养宇谋驭拖烘餐喜昭速妥荐驱夏港瘩缴挽陷孙俯瞒抗Lesson43Lesson43 Write a short passage. .What are your personal strengths? .Do you have any talents? .What makes you happy? .What are you proud of? 蹈卖陀捧箍搏藕胸虞挎黎已枚融彼肄侍谨揭流戳


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