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高一期末自主练习 英语试题 参考答案 第一部分: 1—5 CBCBA 6—10 BAABC  11—15 ACCAB 16—20 ACCBA 第二部分: 21—23 BCA 24—27CDAB  28—31ACDA  32—35DCBB 36—40 GAFBE 第三部分: 第一节:41—45 BACDB 46—50 BDACB 51—55 CABCA 56—60 CDDBD 第二节:61. luckily 62. walking 63. to give 64. with 65. a 66. and (then) 67. wrote 68. It 69. had run 70. what/all (that) 第四部分: 第一节 Dear Sir, I am terrible sorry to make you disappointing for not having finished my homework terribly disappointed in time. In fact, I had something else to do, that made me have no time for my homework. which My father was badly injured in car accident yesterday. Heard the news, I hurried to a Hearing the hospital after school. I had a busy night, but I didn’t do my homework. so As you know, I am an ordinary student in class and eager to improve my English. I find out I have great difficult concentrating on my study. Would you please give me some difficulty suggestion? In addition, I hope you can give me more chances to practise my English in class. suggestions/advice I am looking forward for your early reply. to Yours, Paul 第二节: One possible version: Dear Jack, I’m very sorry to hear that your mother prevents you from enjoying music in your spare time. As a matter of fact, I’m crazy about music, so I strongly stand by you for your love of music. In my pinion, music, no matter what kind it is, is powerful and magic. It can sweep all our trouble away and make us get energetic. If we feel tired or upset, listening to some music will surely refresh us a lot. Maybe your mother worries that you can be addicted in music and give up your study. If this is the case, I advise you to try to communicate with her and inform



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