A VHF PECVD Micro-Crystalline Silicon Bottom Gate TFT with a Thin Incubation Layer.pdf

A VHF PECVD Micro-Crystalline Silicon Bottom Gate TFT with a Thin Incubation Layer.pdf

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A VHF PECVD Micro-Crystalline Silicon Bottom Gate TFT with a Thin Incubation Layer

第 26 卷  第 6 期 2005 年 6 月 半  导  体  学  报 CHIN ESE J OURNAL OF SEMICONDUCTORS Vol. 26  No. 6 J une ,2005 3 Project supported by t he National Natural Science Foundation of China ( Nos.,and ,t he National High Tech2 nology Research and Development Program of China ( No. 2002AA303261 ) , and t he Natural Science Fundation of Tianjin ( No .  Li J uan  female ,was born in 1976 ,PhD candidate. Her research work focuses on t hin film opto2elect ronic devices and t hin film t ransistors. Email :lj1018 @nankai. edu. cn  Zhao Shuyun  female ,was born in 1981 ,master candidate. Her work focuses on micro2elect ronics and solid physics. Email :shuyunzhao @sina. com. cn  Liu Jianping  male ,was born in 1980 ,master candidate. His present research field is in t he flat display. Email :liujianping @sina. com. cn  Received 4 November 2004 ,revised manuscript received 21 February 2005 Ζ 2005 Chinese Institute of Elect ronics A VHF PECVD Micro2Crystall ine Silicon Bottom Gate TFT with a Thin Incubation Layer 3 Li J uan 1 , Zhao Shuyun 1 , Liu Jianping 1 , Wu Chunya 1 , Zhang Xiaodan 1 , Meng Zhiguo 1 , Zhao Ying 1 , Xiong Shaozhen 1 , Zhang Lizhu 2 , and J ang Jin 3 (1 I nstit ute of Photo2Elect ronic T hin Film Devices and Technology , School of I n f ormation , Key L aboratory f or Photoelect ronic T hin Film Devices and Technology of Tianj i n , N ankai Universit y , Tianj in  300071 , China) (2 Tianj in I nst it ute of Mechanic and Elect ric Prof essional Technology , Tianj in  300131 , China) (3 A dvanced Dis play Research Center , Department of In f ormation Dis play , Ky ung Hee Universit y , Dong daemoon2ku , Seoul 1302701 , Korea) Abstract : The incubation layer with amorphous st ructure between the subst rate and crystalline layer may obviously affect the performance for a microcrystalline Si thin film transistor (μc2Si TFT) ,especially for the bottom gate TF T (B G2TF T) . It is found that decreasing the ratio of Si H4 / ( H2 + Si H4 )


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