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BioGaia probiotics throughout childhood True friendship starts with a good gut feeling INFORMATION TO HEALTH CARE PROFESSIONALS L. reuteri P rotectis Infantile colic R egurgitation C onstipation Functional abdom inal pain A cute gastroenteritis S upport of gastrointestinal health Antibiotic- associated side-effects The microbiota of the infant and child The newborn infant establishes its intestinal microbiota from the time of delivery and during the next two years. Beneficial bacteria like lactobacilli and bifido bacteria are normally among the first to colonize.1 Caesarean delivery delays the establishment of beneficial bacteria compared to vaginally born infants, which may have significant health consequences.2 Breastfeeding supports the establishment of the beneficial bacteria: it supplies the bacteria with human milk oligosaccharides in large amounts, which act as natural prebiotics. The establishment of a diverse microbiota helps the infant to optimise the development of the digestive tract anatomy and functions.3 The microbiota contributes to: ? Enforced gut barrier ? Improved digestion ? Improved motility ? Maturation of gut immune function Probiotics Probiotics, defined as live strains of bacteria with documented health effects,4 have become a well-recognized option to support the composition of a beneficial microbiota in infants and children. The bacteria species most commonly used as probiotics belong to the genera Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium. Different strains of a specific species have different probiotic properties and effects. Hence the benefits of one specific strain cannot be extrapolated to the effects of other probiotics. L. reuteri Protectis 2 Back to front page L. re ut er i P ro te ct is In fa nt ile c ol ic R eg ur gi ta tio n C on st ip at io n Fu nc tio na l ab do m in al p ai n A cu te ga st ro en te rit is S up po rt of ga st ro in te st in al he al th An tib io tic - as s


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