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南方医科大学本科专业教学大纲 单片机原理与应用 Principle Application of MCU 适用专业:医学信息工程专业 执笔人: 李喆 审定人: 卢广文 学院负责人:陈武凡 南方医科大学教务处 二○○六年十二月 课程编码:B030014 一、课程简介 《单片机原理与应用》为四年制生物医学工程专业(医学信息工程方向)本科专业学生的专业基础课程,54学时、2.5学分。本课程教学目标为教学生如何设计基于单片机的应用系统。首先讲述单片机硬件结构及内部资源,并探讨单片机与外部设备接口技术;该课程使用8051汇编语言为编译软件,以Keil C51集成开发环境μVision2为开发平台。最后通过介绍单片机具体应用实例,让学生了解单片机应用系统的开发过程,初步掌握基于单片机的智能仪器设计和自动控制方法。 通过该课程的学习,学生应该主要掌握以下内容: 1、单片机系统开发工具。2、8051单片机结构及汇编语言设计概念。3、单片机与键盘接口技术。4、单片机与8段LED显示器接口技术。5、单片机中断技术。6、单片机A/D及D/A转换技术。7、单片机串行通信技术方法。8、智能医学仪器设计方法。 “Principle Application of MCU”, 2.5 credit and 54 class hours, is a basic professional course for under-graduated students of engineering of medical information major of 4 years.The goal of this course is to teach students how to design application system based Single Chip microcomputer.The course begins with an overview of typical 8051 microcontroller architecture and its inner resource .Basic microcomputer design and the interface between the microcontroller and external devices are explored. This course use the 8051 assembly language as compiler and use the Keil c51 integrated development environment as development tool.At the end of course a detail application example is introduced so as to the students comprehend the development steps of microcontroller application systems and master the design method of intelligent instrument based microcontroller. On successful completion of this course the main content students should master: 1.Microcontroller Based Systems Development Tools. 2.The 8051 Architecture and Basic Assembly Language Programming. 3.Interface keyboards to the 8051-based Microcontroller systems. 4.Interface LED.to the Microcontroller System. 5. Interrupt technic of Microcontroller. 6. Interface the microcontroller system to A/D and D/A converter. 7.Serial Data Communication. 8.Design method of intelligent medical instrument 二、教学内容与要求 第一章 概述 【教学内容】 1.单片机的概念、应用特点及意义。 2.单片机应用系统的研制过程。 3.单片机控制系统的一般模式。 4.单片机常用开发语言及开发装置。 【教学要求】 1.掌握单片机的概念及特点。 2.掌握单片机的发展及意义。 3.熟悉单


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