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设备运行维护手册Equipment OperationMaintenance Manual PAGE  第 PAGE 13 页 设备运行维护手册 第三篇 设备运行维护手册 Part 3 Equipment OperationMaintenance Manual 安全提示和警告 Safety Tips and Warnings 在任何维护或维修之前,必须严格遵守操作规程。 Before any maintenance repair, you must strictly observe the rules。 只有专业人员才能安装、操作、检修和维护该设备,专业人员指“熟悉设备结构、操作以及危险的人”。 Only the operators who are familiar with the equipment, structure, operations and risk, can install, operate, repair and maintenance of the equipment, 不要带电连接或断开任何表计、电缆和印制线路板。 Don’t connect or disconnect any meter, cables and printed circuit boards in charged state 在箱内靠近或接触元器件时要消除静电(ESD)。印制线路板上有许多元件对静电很敏感。接触或维护对静电敏感元器件的工作只能由阅读并理解专门静电技术的专业人员完成。 Before close to or operate the Main Unit, eliminate static electricity. Because there many PCB components are very sensitive to static electricity. 手持PC板时,尽量握住边缘部分。 Handing PCB, hold the edge of some as far as possible 不要使印制线路板与任何表面(桌面或工作台面)发生摩擦。如可能,进行PC板维护时在具有导电表面(通过1M欧电阻接地)的工作台上进行。如没有合适的导电工作台,可用干净的钢板或铝板代替。 Stop PCB chafing on the surface of anything(desk or workbench). 不要将易燃材料放在机箱里面、上面或附近,包括设备图和用户手册。 Do not put flammable materials inside the chassis, or in the vicinity of the above, including equipment, maps and user manual. 接触或测量箱内元件时必须十分小心,千万注意防止表棒引起短路。 When touch or maintain the component of the main unit carefully, avoid a short circuit caused by sheet rod. 现场维护时,应注意防止接触取样器和测试箱内加热部件烫伤和触电。 When maintain the device,take care to prevent contacting with the sampling and being scalded by the heating component and electric shock 常规检查维护事项 Routine Maintenance Checks 装置应安排专人定期进行维护,主要检查事项如下: Devices should be arranged the regular maintenance.As follow: 测试箱内器件之间连接是否松脱,螺丝螺母紧固件是否松动; Whether the components of the main unit and the screw nut fasteners become loosened 箱内工作温度是否异常,当环境温度为5℃--30℃时,调节左温控仪为100℃左右,调节右温控仪为130℃左右;环境低于5℃(高于30℃)时,将两温控仪分别调至110℃和140℃(90℃和120℃)。 Whether the temperature of the main unit is abnormal.When the circumstance temperature is in the range of 5℃--30℃,the left Temperature Con


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