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工程图学词汇 投影 projection 投影中心center of projection 投影面projecting plane 投影线projecting line 中心投影法perspective projection 平行投影法parallel projection 斜投影oblique projection 正投影orthographic projection 正投影面frontal plane of projection 侧面投影面profile plane of projection 投影图projection drawing 三面投影图three-plane projection drawing 投影轴axis of projection 投影特性characteristic of projection 不变性characteristic of true 积聚性characteristic of concentration 类似性characteristic of similarity 视图view 三视图three-view drawing 正面frontal plane 正面投影frontal projection 水平面horizontal plane 水平投影horizontal projection 侧面profile plane 侧面投影profile projection 主视图frontal view 俯视图top view 左视图left side view 立体solid 平面立体plane body 曲面立体body of curved surface 回转面surface of revolution 棱柱prism 棱锥pyramid 边side 顶点center vertex 棱edge 点point 直线line straight line 棱锥台truncated pyramid frustum of pyramid 重影coincidence of projection 积聚concentrate 变形deformation 实长true length? 实形true shape 正平线frontal line 水平线horizontal line 侧平线profile line 一般位置直线oblique line 铅垂线vertical line, frontal-profile line 正垂线horizontal--profile line 侧垂线frontal-horizontal line 一般位置平面oblique plane 相交intersection 平行parallel 垂直perpendicular 交线intersecting line, line of intersection 交点point of intersection 平行线parallel line 垂直线perpendicular line 交叉线skew line 长度length? 宽度width 高度height 组合体complex 基本几何体basic body 相接built-up 相交inter section 相切tangent 相贯penetration 支架brace 底板bottom board 肋rib 支承板bearing plate 轮廓线outline, contour line 底图traced drawing 截平面cutting plane 截交线line of section 二重性dual nature 平面曲线plane curve 圆弧arc 椭圆ellipse 长轴major axis 短轴minor axis 双曲线hyperbola 抛物线parabola 圆circle 圆锥顶conic apex? 相贯体intersecting bodies 相贯线line of intersection 空间曲线space curve 截平面方法cutting plane method 辅助面auxiliary surface 辅助平面auxiliary plane 最高点culminating point 尺寸Size 定形尺寸size dimension 定位尺寸location dimension 左视图right view 后视图rear view, back view 仰视图bottom view 辅助图auxiliary view 局部视图partial view, broken view 斜视图oblique view 旋转视图revolved view, aligned view 剖视图sectional view, section 全


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