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第  PAGE 11 页 共  NUMPAGES 11 页 专业技能培训作业 2014 — 2015学年第1学期 学 院:医学与生命科学学院 课程名称:专业技能培训 课程编码课程类别:专业任选课 学 号:20112721075 班 级:制药工程1102 姓 名:李国梁 填写日期: 2014年10 月 23 日 复方双黄连胶囊的研制 (济南大学山东省医学科学院医学与生命科学学院; 章丘250200) 李国梁 摘要: 目的:掌握常用的中药提取的方法和原理、掌握湿法制粒的方法和技术;掌握薄层色谱的操作技术、崩解仪、及紫外分光光度计的使用,掌握胶囊剂项下的质量检查项目和检查方法及药效学研究方法。 方法:水煎法、回流提取法、微博辅助提取法等方法提取金银花、连翘和黄芩,湿法制粒制备胶囊,薄层鉴别法进行胶囊剂鉴别,使用崩解仪测定胶囊的崩解时限,双波长分光光度法测定双黄连胶囊中黄芩苷含量,用小鼠耳肿胀模型进行双黄连胶囊的药效学研究。 结果:制备得到了复方双黄连胶囊60粒,胶囊质量符合要求,制备的胶囊具有抗炎作用。 结论:通过以上制备方法完全可以制备出合格的复方双黄连胶囊,该胶囊具抗炎作用,且药量越大,抗炎效果越好。 关键词:复方双黄连,水煎提取法,湿法制粒,鉴别,检查,含量测定,药效学 Preparation of compound Shuanghuanglian capsules Abstract: objective To master the commonly used extraction methods and principles of traditional Chinese medicine,to master the methods and principles of wet granulation; to master the methods for the examination of the quality of the capsules and pharmacodynamic research methods; to master Thin layer chromatography technique and the use of Disintegration apparatus and Uv spect rophotometry.. Methods Chinese medicine –Jinyinhua、Lianqiao and Huangqing were extracted using the method of decocting.The capsules were prepared by wet granulating.and identified using the method of TLC identification.The disintegration time of the capsules was examed using Disintegration apparatus. The content of Huangqingan in compound Shuanghuanglian capsules was determined using the method of dual wavelength spectrophotometry. The research of pharmacodynamics of compound Shuanghuanglian capsules was conducted using the model of mouse ear inflammation. Results We got forty compound Shuanghuanglian capsules that conform to the quality criterion and have anti-inflammatory effect. Conclusion We can prepare compound Shuanghuanglian capsules that conform to the quality criterion with the methods above.These capsules have anti-inflammatory effect ,besides,the greater dose ,the better anti-inflammatory effect it has. Keywords:compound Shuanghuanglian capsules, the method of decoc


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