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Model Tenancy Agreement 房屋租赁契约范本 This Tenancy Agreement (the “Agreement”) is made on the_________day of_________by and between__________________(the “Landlord”) and__________________(the “Tenant”). 立契约书人:出租人____________________________________(以下简称为甲方)       承租人____________________________________(以下简称为乙方) 立契约日 :_________年________月________日 WHEREAS, the Tenant intends to lease from the Landlord the “Premises” (defined herein below) and the Landlord agrees to lease to the Tenant the “Premises” in accordance and under the terms and conditions set forth herein. NOW, THEREFORE, the parties hereby agree as follows: 兹因房屋租赁事件,双方合意订立本契约,约款如左: 1.Premises; Use of the Premises 第一条:租赁标的所在地、使用范围及使用目的 The leasing premises (the “Premises”) are located at_____________________________________________ , comprising of________________whole area/__________________room(s)/__________________suite(s), and the total area of the Premises are________________pings (1 ping equals 36 square feet). 房屋座落:_______县(市)_______市(乡、镇、区)_______里_______邻_______路(街)_______段_______巷_______弄_______ 号_______ 楼 使用范围:上述房屋全部\房间  间\套房   间 总坪数 :______________ 坪 The Premises shall be used for residential/business/other (please specify) purposes. 使用目的:住家\营业\其他(____________________________) 2. Term of the Agreement 第二条:租赁期间 Unless earlier terminated under other provisions of this Agreement, the Agreement shall have a term of________year(s) ________ month(s), commencing on________________________and expiring on________________________(the “Term”). 自民国________年________月________日起至民国________年________月________日止,计________年________月。 3. Rentals and Deposit 第三条:租金及押租金 (1) During the Term, the Tenant shall pay monthly rentals (the ”Rental”) to the Landlord for the Premises. The Rental for the Term shall be NT$________________per month. The Rental shall be due and payable on the________________day of each calendar month during the Term. 租金每月新台币(以下同)________________元整。乙方应于每月________日前给付甲方。 (2) On the signing o


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