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Chapter 3 I.QUESTIONS 1.Through what channels can we get the information of the partner? Trade directory, chamber of commerce both at home and abroad, banks, advertisements in the newspapers or periodicals, introduction or recommendation from embassies or conculates, the internet, market investigation, introduction from other business firms or friends, self-introduction… 2.Explain the “3C” principle, and give the detailed information about it The 3”C” principle refers to capital, capacity and conduct of the future client. Capital refers to its assets, profits, liabilities, and the capital turnover. Capacity refers to its management capacity, management skill and comprehensive index. Conduct refers to its credit and reputation. II.TRANSLATION 本公司有庞大的销售网点。 We have enormous sales outlets. 由于贵行号与地址载于《化学药品》杂志上,我方遂致函,希望与贵方建立业务关系。 As your name and address were listed in The Chemicals, we are writing to you with a desire to establish business relationship with you. 本公司是香港最大的食品贸易公司,在中国内陆有分公司与门市部。 We are the largest food trading company in HK, and have branches or retail departments on the Main Land. 我们发现有些展品质量优良,设计精美。 We found some of the exhibits fine in quality and beautiful in design. 本公司正在贵市寻找新的业务关系,若蒙将下列资料登载于贵刊上,将不胜感激。 We are seeking new business connections in your city and would appreciate your inserting the following information in your publication. B We could like to receive your frank opinion about the financial condition of Shangyuan Canned Food Co, Ltd. 我们很想知道您们对尚源食品有限公司之财务状况的诚实看法。 We promised to keep your opinions in the strictest confidence and we assure you that there will be absolutely no leaks. 我们保证将您的意见作最严格的保密,而且我们担保绝对不会泄漏。 We have not done any business with Dayu Inc. in the last two years. 过去两年来,我们和大禹公司没有任何生意上的往来。 We are pleased to tell you that Haojie Inc. has sufficient credit for you to do business with. 我们很乐意告知贵方豪杰公司有限公司有足够的信用让你们和它往来。 Concerning payments, they are very precise without any delay and always on time. 就付款来说,他们非常准时,从来没有延误过。 Chapter 4 I


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