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1 feel sorry for 为。。感到遗憾
2 except the time z只有当..的时候
3 spread over 布满
4 be troubled to 苦于
5 with no edges nor corner 没有棱角
6 take a fancy to 看得上
7 as….put it ….说
8 in silence 静静地
9 enjoy no shading from 没有。。的庇护
10 stretch all over上下
11 the only thing that had interested us 唯一感到欣慰的是
12 when it comes to 谈到了…./日子到了、、、的时候
13 look up at the sky 翘望天边
14 give sb a scolding 骂某人 afraid lest…担心会怎么样
15 sure enough 果然
16 as (ugly)as it could be 能有多丑就有多长丑
17 pretty soon 过了不久
18 give out its heart and light 发光发热
19 I never expect it 真没想到
20 its beauty from ugliness 以丑为美
21 when sth becomes the ugliness ,it turn out the most beautiful indeed
22 no wonder 难怪
be ridiculed by people with petty common views 被世俗嘲笑
23 the street was lined with 两旁有….
24 illuminated windows beaming quietly towards the dark blue sky
Beam toward 微笑
25 gust of 一阵风 wind howling around 刮风
26 cling to the branches 留在枝头 from time to time 不时
27 the whole family sit around it 围坐
28 struck up 堵住
29 be intrigued by /factuated/fascinated
30 rumble up/the car came rumbling up 汽车隆隆作响
31 relate to sb 向…倾诉 /get to know each other /沟通心灵
32 stay overnight 过夜 drop in 拜访
give a gentle pinch 捏 bramble gate 柴门
33 there’s no hint of any thing like ..丝毫没有。。的意思
34 leave a deep impress on my memory circle 留在记忆中
35 be a member of the literary 是文化界的
Without attracting any public attention 红不起来
36 manage through various personal connections 找关系 动用关系
elaborate dinner 盛宴
37 cut in 不等。。。说完/打断
38 pocket silently all it had experienced 默默忍受这一切
39 be struck by 深深感到 。。/被。。。怔住
40 there is a time of 有。。。的时候
41 die back /wither away 枯
42 slid away 溜走
43 soundless traceless 无声音 无踪
44 in between 在这中间(非实物)
45 make its presence 出现
46 tread on lightly and furtively 挪移
47 be caught blankly 茫然
48 flow away /wear off / pass away 流逝
Stride over/glide pass /in one’s agile way/flash past/
49 bury my face in my hands and heave a sigh 掩面叹息
50 in this bustling world 在人来人往/人声鼎沸中
51 as
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