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1 爱心基金会2006年年度报告 2006 Annual Report AiXin Foundation, Inc. USA 2006年--“爱心”在成长 爱心基金会 --- 翁永凯 2002 年,面对肆虐中国的艾滋疫情,大洋彼岸的一群海外学人和专业人士集结而成“爱心基金 会”。四年风雨一路走来,“爱心”作为桥梁,将同胞情谊和真诚关爱传递到需要的地方;在中国 农村的健康和教育领域内,“爱心”以行动不断探索与开拓,实践着我们不变的初衷。 2006 年,“爱心基金会”继续推展和支持着原有的公共卫生、健康促进和艾滋关怀等项目,并 开拓了新的乡村助学项目。 新的一年中,我们将秉承“爱心”宗旨,广泛团结合作,积极参与社区公益活动,支持具有开 创意义的健康和教育项目,促进中国的国民健康和教育水平不断提升,点点滴滴参与和见证中国发 展与进步的历史进程。 “爱心”四岁了,正在成长中,希望继续得到大家一如既往的关注和支持。 宗旨:提倡“以人为本”的爱心关怀, 提升健康和教育水平。当前重点是在 中国贫困地区推展健康教育/健康促 进、艾滋病防治和关怀,以及大力支 持基础教育。 爱心基金会是一个非政治、非营利的501(c)3 民间慈善组织。您的捐助将获 IRS 免税。 感谢您继续捐助,奉献爱心! Mission: AiXin is dedicated to improving healthcare and health education, as well as AIDS awareness and prevention mainly in the impoverished areas of China. The foundation also supports basic education for rural students. AiXin is a 501(c) 3 non-profit organization, Your donation will be 100% Tax deductible. Together We Will Make a Difference! AiXin Foundation, Inc. 12019 Tregoning Place, Clarksburg, MD 20871, USA AiXin’s Progress in 2006 (Foreword) By Yongkai Weng,Translated by Che Sheng Tsao (曹哲生) Concerned with the ravages of AIDS in parts of China, a group of overseas Chinese scholars and professionals formed the AiXin Foundation in 2002 on the far side of the Pacific. Having weathered four years of eventful, although at times unsteady, growth, the Foundation has now become a useful bridge between its donors and the community of AIDS sufferers in China, increasingly serving as a system of delivering care and compassion to those affected by the disease. In areas of rural healthcare and education, the Foundation has learned and benefited POSTAE Here 2 from its past experiences and has decided to widen its approach in order to better achieve its goals. In 2006, the AiXin Foundation continued to develop its already established programs in health education, healthcare promotion, and care for AIDS-affected patients. In addition, the Foundation started a new


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