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智 课 网 S A T 备 考 资 料 2015年1月24日SAT考试终极预测(写作+阅读) 2015年1月24日SAT考试终极预测 2015年1月24日SAT写作话题预测 根据大数据分析,最有可能考到的还是如下四个话题:挑战权威、 追求完美、人生价值、失败成功。下面给考生介绍下这四个SAT写作话 题如何准备: SAT写作话题预测1、挑战权威 经典例题:Is it important to question the ideas and decisions of people inpositions of authority? 例子提示:政治家(林肯、甘地、罗斯福、马丁路德金、曼德拉等) ,企业家(杰克韦尔奇、亨利福特、马云、杜亮等),科学家(伽利略、哥 白尼、布鲁诺、牛顿、爱因斯坦等) SAT写作话题预测2、追求完美 经典例题:Can people achieve success only if they aim to be perfect? 例子提示:艺术家(梵高、达芬奇、米开朗琪罗、拉斐尔等),运动 员(乔丹,费德勒、李娜、贝克汉姆等),大公司(奔驰、沃尔玛、新大陆 等)。 SAT写作话题预测3、人生价值 经典例题:Is conscience a more powerful motivator than money, fame, or power? 例子提示:维基百科:list of philanthropists。这里面全是例子。 SAT写作话题预测4、失败成功 经典例题:Do people truly benefit from hardship and misfortune? 例子提示:基本上成功人士都有过失败的经历(比如咱们前几次的S AT经历)。比较容易想到的例子有:居里夫人、诺贝尔、莱特兄弟、哈 利波特的妈妈等。 ★ 2015年SAT考试时间表 2015年1月24日SAT写作考题预测 SAT写作预测1:实用有效 I agree/disagree that….Admittedly,…However,… Only apply to yes or no. The college years are the best time in a person’s life. Do you agree or disagree with this statement? I disagree that the college years are the best time in a person’s life. Admittedly, college often corresponds with a time when people are young, healthy, and physically strong, and those attributes are highly regarded in Western cultures. However, the college years must also be viewed as a period of high stress and a certain uncomfortable dependence. SAT写作预测2:江湖救急 Speaking of/When it comes to…, some people think that… while others argue that….For me, … Apply to yes or no/A or B/Enumeration SAT写作预测3:3+1排比 Nowadays, for those high students who are struggling in an abominably lot of examinations, college must be the dreaming paradise with no pressure for tests; for those who are avid for a job opportunity, college experience must be the glorious trump; for those who have never and ever roamed on any college campus for some reason, college must be the eternal regret. It seems undeniable that college years are the best time in a person’s life. But I really doubt it. SAT考试如何拿高分?SAT如何高效地备考? 戳


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