7MBR25SA120 模块.pdf

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7MBR25SA120 模块

7MBR25SA120 IGBT Modules Applications · Inverter for motor drive · AC and DC servo drive amplifier · Uninterruptible power supply Maximum ratings and characteristics Absolute maximum ratings (Tc=25°C unless without specified) Item Symbol Condition Rating Unit Collector-Emitter voltage Gate-Emitter voltage Collector current Collector power dissipation Collector-Emitter voltage Gate-Emitter voltage Collector current Collector power dissipation Repetitive peak reverse voltage Repetitive peak reverse voltage Average output current Surge current (Non-Repetitive) I 2 t (Non-Repetitive)C o n v e r te r B r a k e In v e r te r Operating junction temperature Storage temperature Isolation between terminal and copper base *2 voltage between thermistor and others *3 Mounting screw torque VCES VGES IC ICP -IC PC VCES VGES IC ICP PC VRRM VRRM IO IFSM I 2 t Tj Tstg Viso Continuous Tc=25°C Tc=80°C 1ms Tc=25°C Tc=80°C 1 device Continuous Tc=25°C Tc=80°C 1ms Tc=25°C Tc=80°C 1 device 50Hz/60Hz sine wave Tj=150°C, 10ms half sine wave AC : 1 minute 1200 ±20 35 25 70 50 25 180 1200 ±20 25 15 50 30 110 1200 1600 25 260 338 +150 -40 to +125 AC 2500 AC 2500 3.5 *1 V V A A A W V V A A W V V A A A 2 s °C °C V N·m *1 Recommendable value : 2.5 to 3.5 N·m (M5) *2 All terminals should be connected together when isolation test will be done. *3 Terminal 8 and 9 should be connected together. Terminal 1 to 7 and 10 to 24 should be connected together and shorte


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