Another school year what for 习题.pdf

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Another school year what for 习题

1Γest迮 Another schooI Year- What FOr? Vocabu1aryGrammar DireCtions:In this part there are30∶ ncompIete sentences,each、 ″ith four suggested answers.Choose the one that best compIetes the sentence. 1. I aⅡ1sure that with your remarkab1e ability and rich experiencc,the currcnt session you over wⅡl be a suGcess。 2. Although cats cannot sce in comp1ete darkness,their cyes are much more__ˉ ˉ?ˉtO light than human eyes. A.gloⅥ注ng C,bo11iant 3,Every year schools all over thc country will A.absorb C,e11ro11 4,Ifyou wmtto clar勺 thc fact,you need抑 o witnesses to~__ˉ thatthis o your signa扯 e. A。 notify B.ce而 卸 B.assure D。 assume 5, some taxonoⅡ1ists,pa⒒icular1y those working in hcrbaria and providing an identiflcation seⅣ1ce,do nccd such A.approach C,免i曲 6, ~_~ˉˉ? his pioneering work in Jazz p1ano. A。 As a result of C.In the intcrest of A。 presume C.preside 7.A sooety心 on1y when economic,and social oghts that A。 conflicting C.democrat1C B。 propcl D.prick B.sensitiⅤ e D。 gloomy ˉ? —?——neW smdcnts the flrst week in Septembe⒈ B,includc D.register B.Conndencc D.expert心e the1ate1930’ s,Earl IIincs has been caⅡ ed thc father ofFnOdcrn B,In support of D,For the sake of thc humblcst and weakest per∞ n can e习oy伍eh螅hest。呐l, the povi1edged and rnost po、 verR】 l possess. B。 friendly D.hostⅡ e 8. Hc had wantcd a25°/。 raise in pay,but after talking to his bOss,he decided that a5%raise wou1d . A,sufncc B.modfy C。 grati灯 D.del螅 ht 9. Those who_____ˉ energetica11y into thc1nattcr have prospects of finding othcr1nore conVcnicnt so1utions。 A.wander B。 penetrate C,concentrate D.emphasize 10, Fa11ing into a neⅣ ous,fevcrish doze soon thereafter,hc found hhnself dreaΠ 1ing of a black dOg that、vas trying to bite hhn。 A,profound C。 prospectiⅤ c B.assoClat1on D,faculty 11.Dr.Hi11hasjust receivcd an invitation from Washington University tojoin thc___asa Ⅲl- thne professo⒈ A。 comrnl钆ee


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