Cement Based Foam Concrete Reinforced by Carbon Nanotubes.pdf

Cement Based Foam Concrete Reinforced by Carbon Nanotubes.pdf

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Cement Based Foam Concrete Reinforced by Carbon Nanotubes

ISSN 1392–1320 MATERIALS SCIENCE (MED?IAGOTYRA). Vol. 12, No. 2. 2006 Cement Based Foam Concrete Reinforced by Carbon Nanotubes Grigorij YAKOVLEV1, Jadvyga KERIEN?2, Albinas GAILIUS2?, Ingrida GIRNIEN?3 1Izhevsk State Technical University, Studencheskaya str. 7, Izhervsk,426069, Russia 2Vilnius Gediminas Technical University, Saul?tekio 11, LT-10223, Vilnius, Lithuania 3Vilnius College of Construction and Design, Antakalnio str. 54, LT-10303, Vilnius, Lithuania Received 08 June 2005; accepted 05 January 2006 The main task of the presented research was to investigate the carbon nanotubes, synthesized from aromatic hydrocarbons and as well as to investigate the possibilities of production and main technological properties of Portland cement based foam concrete reinforced by dispersed carbon nanotubes. The method of stimulation of dehydropolycon- densation and carbonization of aromatic hydrocarbons in chemical active environment (melts of aluminium, copper, nickel, iron salts) was used for carbon nanotubes synthesis. The results of investigation of the synthesized carbon nanotubes by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy showed that they contain (80 – 90) % of carbon. The examination of the carbon nanotubes microstructure by electron microscope have shown that the nanotubes have a cylindric form, with diameter ranging up to 100 nm and length up to 20 μm. The nanotubes are agglomerated to fiber shaped agglomerates with a diameter up to 30 μm and a length up to 10 mm. The carbon nanotubes were used as a high strength dispersed reinforcement for production of foam non-autoclave concrete produced on the base of Portland cement. The results of the investigation of the reinforced non-autoclave cemente foam concrete showed that the use of carbon nanotubes (0.05 % by mass) in production of these concretes allows to decrease its heat conductivity up to (12 – 20) % and increase its compressive strength up to 70 %. Keywords: carbon nanotubes, fibrillar str


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