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Defects segmentation on ‘Golden Delicious’ apples by using colour machine vision
Computers and Electronics in Agriculture
20 (1998) 117–130
Defects segmentation on ‘Golden Delicious’ apples
by using colour machine vision
V. Leemans *, H. Magein, M.-F. Destain
Faculte? uni6ersitaire des Sciences agronomiques de Gembloux, Passage des de?porte?s, 2,
B-5030 Gembloux, Belgium
Received 18 August 1997; received in revised form 9 January 1998; accepted 16 January 1998
A method based on colour information is proposed to detect defects on ‘Golden Delicious’
apples. In a first step, a colour model based on the variability of the normal colour is
described. To segment the defects, each pixel of an apple image is compared with the model.
If it matches the pixel, it is considered as belonging to healthy tissue, otherwise as a defect.
Two other steps refine the segmentation, using either parameters computed on the whole
fruit, or values computed locally. Some results are shown and discussed. The algorithm is
able to segment a wide range of defects. ? 1998 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
Keywords: Computer vision; Colour vision; Image segmentation; Apple defects
1. Introduction
The European Community defines three quality categories for the fresh apples
market (Journal of the European Community, 1989). The ‘extra’ class includes
fruits with no defects or misshapenness. Good quality fruits presenting certain small
defects (scab or russet for example) or a slight misshapenness are put in class I (or
A in Belgium). In Class II (or B), more pronounced defects are tolerated. If the
* Corresponding author.
0168-1699/98/$19.00 ? 1998 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
PII S0168-1699(98)00012-X
V. Leemans et al. / Computers and Electronics in Agriculture 20 (1998) 117–130118
defect is too large or if the fruit pulp is strongly affected (like rot or insect holes),
it is rejected as culls. These standards tolerate a small amount of misclassified fruits
depending on the class and on the kind of defect. The general tolerance for the
quality is 5
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