colour and personality.ppt

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colour and personality

Color and Personality psychologist :[saik?l?d?ist] Personality :[,p?:s?n?liti]? 译文:下面是几种常见的颜色,同时简要的描述了经常选穿这种颜色衣服的人的性格类型和为什么要选穿这种颜色的部分原因。 You like calm, problem-free relationship with others and an orderly environment. 你需要一种平静的,与他人没有纠葛的关系和秩序井然的环境。 Violet * In the west, psychologist have made connections between color and personality. The color of a person’s clothes is thought to give an indication of that person’s personality. Below are some of the most common colors, with a short description of the type of person who mostly choose such a color to wear and some of the reasons why that color is chosen. Color and Personality Red People who like red enjoy life, and like to achieve results. You probably like sports and good food. In fact, you are active and energetic and would make a good leader. Be careful not to overdo things and make sure you relax by listening to music reading, etc. This will give your life a balance between activity and relaxation. Yellow You are a open, cheerful and friendly person and you enjoy change. You are energetic, but in fits and starts; a few days of hard work followed by a less energetic period, and then more hard work again. Your energies are often directed towards the future; you want to modernize and improve the present. Dark blue If you choose this color it means that you need peace and quiet at the moment. Maybe you’ve been working hard and need to relax. You like calm, problem-free relationship with others and an orderly environment. Blue green You have a strong will. When you decide to do something, you don’t change your mind easily. You don’t like to fail in what you do. Because of your determination to do a job well, you must be careful of tension which can cause stomach upsets. So make sure you get enough physical exercise to give yourself time to relax. Brown Brown is the color of the earth and nature. People who favor brown have


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