Calendar Provider.pdf

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Calendar Provider

//接着前半部分文档的 Events Table Constant – 常量 Description – 描述 CALENDAR_ID The _ID of the calendar the event belongs to. 该事件所属的日历的_ID ORGANIZER Email of the organizer (owner) of the event. 事件组织者(拥有者)的邮件 TITLE The title of the event. 该事件的标题 EVENT_LOCATION Where the event takes place. 事件发生的位置 DESCRIPTION The description of the event. 事件的描述 DTSTART The time the event starts in UTC milliseconds since the epoch. 自新世纪开始该事件发生时的毫秒数. DTEND The time the event ends in UTC milliseconds since the epoch. 自新世纪开始该事件结束时的毫秒数. EVENT_TIMEZONE The time zone for the event. 该事件的时区 EVENT_END_TIMEZONE The time zone for the end time of the event. 事件结束时间的时区. DURATION The duration of the event in RFC5545 format. RFC5545格式下的时间持续时间 For example, a value of PT1H states that the event should last one hour, and a value of P2W indicates a duration of 2 weeks. 比如,一个PT1H值声明该事件应的那个最少 持续一下小时,一个P2W值表明 2周的持续时 间. ALL_DAY A value of 1 indicates this event occupies the entire day, as defined by the local time zone. 值 1表明该事件占据一整天,就像本地时区定义的 一样. A value of 0 indicates it is a regular event that may start and end at any time during a day. 值 0表明这是一个可以开启并结束在一天当中的任 意时间的事件. RRULE The recurrence rule for the event format. 该事件格式的复杂规则 For example, FREQ=WEEKLY;COUNT=10;WKST=SU. You can find more examples here. 例如, FREQ=WEEKLY;COUNT=10;WKST=SU. RDATE The recurrence dates for the event. 该事件的复杂的数据. You typically use RDATE in conjunction with RRULE to define an aggregate set of repeating occurrences. 通常将 RDATE与 RRULE 一起使用以定义一个 重复出现的合并集合 For more discussion, see the RFC5545 spec. 获取更多讨论内容,请查看 RFC5545 spec. AVAILABILITY If this event counts as busy time or is free time that can be scheduled over. 该事件算是被占时刻还是可被安排的空闲时间 GUESTS_CAN_MODIFY Whether guests can modify the event. 客人是否可以修改该事件 GUESTS_CAN_INVITE_OTHERS Whether guests can invite other guests. 客人是否可以邀请其他的客人 GUESTS_CAN_SEE_GUESTS Whether guests can see th与会者清单 Adding Events When your application inserts a new event, we recommend that you use an INSERT Intent, as described in Using


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