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 收稿日期 : 2004211201  基金项目 : 航空科学基金资助项目 (00F51057)  作者简介 : 方 义 (1974 - ) , 男 , 安徽池州人 , 博士生 , paulfy @buaa. edu. cn. BACnet 与 Internet 的互联 方 义  熊 璋  王忠欣 (北京航空航天大学 计算机学院 , 北京 100083)   摘    要 : 对比分析了目前 2 种 BACnet (楼宇自动控制网络数据通信协议) 与 Internet 的互联技术 , 即 B/ IP PAD (BACnet/ Internet 协议包封装/ 拆装设备) 和 BACnet/ IP , 并指出了这 2 种技术所存在的问题. 提出了一种基于 BACnet 网关 的互联模型 , 此网关工作在 BACnet 网络层 , 需要配置一个独立的 IP 地址和一个 BACnet 网络号 , 同时也必须维护一个对等网关的 IP 地址与 BACnet 网络号的本地 数据库. 该模型通过 BACnet 网关来完成不同协议之间的语义转换、广播及管理等 功能 , 为 BACnet 网络与 Internet 之间提供了统一的网络接口 , 增强了楼宇控制网 络与 Internet 融合的能力 , 并大大简化了 BACnet 网络与 Internet 的互联过程. 在 研究此模型的体系结构和工作流程的基础上探讨了该模型的实现方法. 关  键  词 : 网络互联 ; 网关 ; 互联网 ; 楼宇控制网络 中图分类号 : TP 39 ; TP 13 文献标识码 : A     文 章 编 号 : 100125965 (2005) 0520578205 Interconnection between BACnet and Internet Fang Yi  Xiong Zhang  Wang Zhongxin (School of Computer Science and Technology , Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics , Beijing 100083 , China) Abstract : The comparison and analysis of two current interconnection technologies between a data communication protocol for building automation and control network (BACnet) and Internet , including BACnet/ internet protocol packet2assembler2disassembler (B/ IP PAD) and BACnet/ IP , was carried out. The existing questions of two technolo2 gies were pointed out. The interconnection model based on BACnet gateway was presented. The gateway works at BACnet network layer. The gateway need configure an isolated IP address and a BACnet network ID. The gateway must maintain a local database including IP addresses and BACnet network IDs of peer2to2peer gateways. The func2 tions of BACnet gateway consist of semantic transformation , broadcast and management of different protocols. A uni2 form network interface between BACnet and Internet was provided by the model. The convergence capacity of the building control network and Internet was enhanced. The interconnection process between BACnet network and Inter2 net was greatly simplified. Based on the research of the mo


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