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Tactile Switch (SMD) B3SN 255 Tactile Switch (SMD) B3SN Compact Surface Mount Tactile Switch with Sealed Construction ? Sealed construction conforming to IP67 (IEC-60529) provides high reliability in locations exposed to dust or water. ? Available with ground terminals for protection against static electricity. ? Use of a stainless-steel spring provides a crisp clicking action. ? Gold plated version enables stable contact and insulation over long periods of time. ? Available in embossed taping package for automatic insertion. ? RoHS Compliant Ordering Information Note: Order in multiples of the quantities given for each package Important Note: Switches cannot be water-washed. Specifications ■Characteristics Note: Data shown are of initial value. ■Operating Characteristics Switch height Operating force Model Without ground terminal With ground terminal Bags (100 per bag) Embossed Tape (3,000 per reel) Bags (100 per bag) Embossed Tape (3,000 per reel) 3.1 mm Standard 160g B3SN-3012 B3SN-3012P B3SN-3112 B3SN-3112P Gold-plated 180g - - - B3SN-3012P-G - - - - - - Contact form SPST-NO Switching capacity 1 to 50 mA, 5 to 24 VDC (resistive load) Contact resistance 100 mΩ max. (rated: 1 mA, 5 VDC) Insulation resistance 100 MΩ min. (at 250 VDC) Dielectric strength 250 VAC, 50/60 Hz for 1 min. Bounce time 5 ms max. Vibration resistance Malfunction: 10 to 55 Hz, 1.5-mm double amplitude Shock resistance Destruction: 1,000 m/s2 (approx. 100 G) max. Ambient operating temperature -25° to 70°C (at 60% RH max.) with no icing or condensation Ambient operating humidity 35% to 85% (at 5 to 35°C) Service life 100,000 operations min. Weight Approx. 0.20 g Characteristics Standard (B3SN) Gold-plated (B3SN-G) Operating force (OF) 160 ± 50 g 180 ± 60 g Release force (RF) min. 30 g Pretravel (PT) 0.25 ± 0.15 mm / 256 Tactile Switch (SMD) B3SN Engineering Data ■Operating Force vs. Stroke (typical example) ■Construction Dimensions Note: 1. Unless otherwise specified, all units ar


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