
Epitaxial self-organization from surfaces to magnetic materials.pdf

Epitaxial self-organization from surfaces to magnetic materials.pdf

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Epitaxial self-organization from surfaces to magnetic materials

a r X i v : c o n d - m a t / 0 5 0 4 4 2 4 v 1 [ c o n d - m a t .o t h e r ] 1 8 A p r 2 0 0 5 Epitaxial self-organization: from surfaces to magnetic materials Auto-organisation e?pitaxiale : des surfaces aux mate?riaux magne?tiques Olivier Fruchart a aLaboratoire Louis Ne?el (CNRS) – 25, avenue des Martyrs – BP166 – F-38042 Grenoble Cedex 9 – France Abstract Self-organization of magnetic materials is an emerging and active field. An overview of the use of self-organization for magnetic purposes is given, with a view to illustrate aspects that cannot be covered by lithography. A first set of issues concerns the quantitative study of low-dimensional magnetic phenomena (1D and 0D). Such effects also occur in microstructured and lithographically-patterned materials but cannot be studied in these because of the complexity of such materials. This includes magnetic ordering, magnetic anisotropy and superparamagnetism. A second set of issues concerns the possibility to directly use self-organization in devices. Two sets of examples are given: first, how superparamagnetism can be fought by fabricating thick self-organized structures, and second, what new or improved functionalities can be expected from self-organized magnetic systems, like the tailoring of magnetic anisotropy or controlled dispersion of properties. To cite this article: O. Fruchart, C. R. Physique 6 (1) (2005). Re?sume? Alors que l’auto-organisation est un domaine maintenant consacre? pour les semi-conducteurs, il est en e?mergence pour les mate?riaux magne?tiques, avec une activite? soutenue les cinq dernie?res anne?es. Un panorama des contri- butions de l’auto-organisation au magne?tisme est propose? ici, avec pour but de montrer les possibilite?s nouvelles offertes, notamment par rapport a? la lithographie. Une premie?re cate?gorie d’e?tudes concerne la mesure et la compre?hension de phe?nome?nes magne?tiques en basse dimensionnalite?, qui existent dans les mate?riaux applicat- ifs mais ne peuv


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