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Topic 1 Why all the smiling faces? Section B Section A 短语: 1 看上去激动 2邀请某人去做某事 3去看电影 4在我家度过这个晚上 5为某人准备某物 6向...表示感谢 7看上去着急/害怕 look excited invite sb. to do sth. go to the movies spend the evening at my house prepare ... for sb. say thanks to look worried / afraid 1. How are you doing?=How are you? 你最近好吗? 2. invite sb. to do sth. 邀请某人做某事 Example: May I invite you to go shopping with me? 我能邀请你一起去购物吗? 3. say thanks to … (代我)向……表示感谢. 类似的短语还有: say hello to sb. 向…… 问好 say goodbye to sb. 向……告别 重要句子: 1---_____________________________? --- Very well, thank you. 2你看起来很激动。 3我很高兴。 4我爸爸妈妈想邀请你的父母去看电影。 5请带我想你妈妈表示感谢。 How are you doing ? / How are you ? You look excited. Im so happy. My father and mother want to invite your parents to go to the movies. Please say thanks to your mom. 重要短语 1 ...的票 2 好像有点儿不高兴 3为...而骄傲 4 对...满意 5闻起来难闻 6摆放餐具 7摆放3个座位 8发烧 9听起来心烦 9进展顺利 10 给...打电话 11 为...感到遗憾 12 听起来优美 13尝起来美味 a ticket to / for ... seem a little unhappy be proud of be pleased with smell terrible set the table (set) set three places have a temperature/ have a faver sound upset go well ring sb. up phone /telephone/ call sb. feel sorry for sound beautiful taste delicious 重要句子 1他好像有点儿不高兴。 2他感动失望因为他没有得到音乐之声的票。 3他们为他们的队员感到骄傲。 4这位小男孩对他的新自行车很满意。 He seems a little unhappy. He feels disappointed because he coundnt get a ticket to the sound of Music. They are proud of their player. The little boy is pleased with his new bike. 5你在为你的朋友们摆餐具吗? 6她听起来心烦吗? 7我希望一切进展顺利。 8稍后我会给Michael打电话。 9我确信李先生将感到非常惊讶。 Are you setting the table for your friends ? Did she sound upset ? I hope everything goes well. I ll ring up Michael later. Im sure Mr.lee will be surprised . The film is very moving. The opera is so funny and interesting. go Why does Mr. Lee feel disappointed? Which opera is Maria’s favorite? Does Kangkang like opera? What does Kangkang like best? Because he can’t get a ticket to The Sound of Music


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