高中英语 Unit4《Body Language》学案5 新人教版必修4高中英语 Unit4《Body Language》学案5 新人教版必修4.doc

高中英语 Unit4《Body Language》学案5 新人教版必修4高中英语 Unit4《Body Language》学案5 新人教版必修4.doc

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高中英语 Unit4《Body Language》学案5 新人教版必修4高中英语 Unit4《Body Language》学案5 新人教版必修4

Body Language Period4 单元复习 .语言要点 1.keep my eyes open 使眼睛睁开着,这是keep跟带形容词的复合结构,例如: Good food keeps you healthy. 好的食品使你健康。 Please keep the boy quiet. 请让这男孩安静。 另外keep还可以跟带分词、介词短语、副词的复合结构。 She kept we waiting outside. 她让我在外面等着。 He kept his eyes shut and stayed where he was. 他闭着眼睛待在原地。 if your hands are cold,keep them in your pockets. 如果你手冷,把它们放在口袋里。 The cold weather kept in doors. 寒冷的天气使我们待在家里。 2.be sure of/to do. He is sure of success =he is sure that he will succeed. ②He is sure to succeed=he will certainly succeed. ③I’m sure of the fact. 我确实相信这件事。 .Be sure not to forget. 千万别忘记了。 3.disagree with=not agree Even friends some times disagree. 既使是朋友,有时意见也不相同。 The reports from Rome disagree with those from Milan. 来自罗马的报导与来自米兰的报导不一致。 The climate disagrees with me. 我不适应这气候。 4.vary from culture to culture The weather varies from very cold to quite mild. 天气变化从很冷变得相当温和。 from...to...从……到…… 1wanttOknowaboutthisthingkombeginningtOend. 我想从头至尾了解这件事。 They have always lived from hand to mouth. 他们一直过着勉强糊口的日子。 She was trembling from head to foot. 她全身发抖。 5.There also differences as to how often… As to:about concerning关于;至于 As to your brother,I’ll deal with him later. 至于你的兄弟,我以后对付他。 how可以和形容词和副词连用,用于询问句。 eg:how much,how many,how old,how tall,how high,how long,how soon,how far,how often等等。 Howheavyi8yourschoolbag? 你的书包有多重? 一How long does the flight take? 一At least three hours. 飞行时间需要多久? 至少三小时。 一How often do you so there? ——Twice a month. 你多久去那儿一次? 一月两次。 How far is it form your school to the post office? 从你学校到邮局有多远? 6.Rest on停放,依靠 Her elbows rested on the table。 她的胳膊支在桌面上。 Our hope rests on you. 我们的希望在你身上。 7.Be used to do被用来做 Be used to doing习惯于 Used to do过去常做 The money was used to buy a dictionary. 钱被用来买了一本字典。 I have been used to this sort of thing. 我一向习惯于这类事情。 There used to be an old pine tree here 从前这儿有一棵松树。 8.If we are feeling down or lonely … 如果我们情绪低落或感到孤独… down指情绪低落、沮丧。 He is down in spirits。 他意志消沉。 he was



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