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第 22 卷 第 6 期 2010 年 6 月 化 学 进 展 PROGRESS IN CHEMISTRY Vol. 22 No. 6 Jun. ,2010 收稿: 2009 年 7 月,收修改稿: 2009 年 11 月 * 国家自然科学基金项目(No. 和中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金项目(2009QNA6007) 资助  Corresponding author e-mail:chenglihua@ zju. edu. cn 微藻的高油脂化技术研究进展* 姚 茹 1 程丽华 2  徐新华 2 张 林 1 陈欢林 1 (1. 浙江大学化学工程与生物工程学系 杭州 310027; 2. 浙江大学环境工程系 杭州 310027) 摘 要 温室效应与石化能源紧缺已成为全球问题,生物燃料作为一种可再生且环境友好的替代能源 受到人们的普遍关注。不少微藻油含量高,环境适应性强,净碳值几乎为零,被认为是生物质能,尤其是生物 柴油最重要的原料来源之一。本文综述了油脂微藻的国内外研究现状,并对高油脂微藻藻种筛选、高密度培 养,以及提高微藻油脂含量和产油速率的可能方法进行了讨论;阐述了采用基因工程技术调控微藻脂类代谢 途径生产高油脂的可能性;最后介绍了以 CO 2 废气为碳源,膜生物反应器强化微藻培养技术,为进一步降低 微藻产油成本,提高微藻生物柴油经济性提出了一条极有可能实现工业化的潜在高效生产途径。 关键词 高油脂微藻 三羧酸甘油酯 生物柴油 CO 2 脱除 膜生物反应器 中图分类号: TK6 文献标识码: A 文章编号: 1005-281X(2010)06-1221-12 Advances on Technology of Microalgal High-Lipid Production Yao Ru 1 Cheng Lihua 2  Xu Xinhua 2 Zhang Lin 1 Chen Huanlin 1 (1. Department of Chemical and Biochemical Engineering,Zhejiang University,Hangzhou 310027,China; 2. Department of Environmental Engineering,Zhejiang University,Hangzhou 310027,China) Abstract Recently, bio-fuels receive extensive attention as a renewable and environmentally friendly alternative energy source due to the global issues of both greenhouse effects and conventional fossil fuels shortage. Microalgae,with the merits of environmental adaptability,high photosynthetic efficiency,neutral net carbon value and high lipid content,has become one of the most important raw materials for bio-fuels production,especially for the biodiesel production. In this paper,the advances of technology in microalgal culture with high lipid content are reviewed worldwide. The selection of high-lipid microalgae species,high-density culture of high-lipid microalgae and approaches to increase both the microalgal lipid content and the lipid production rate are discussed. The feasibility of microalgal lipid metabolism regulated by genetic engineering technology is elaborated. The intensified microalgal culture modes using the membrane bioreactor integrated with CO 2 exhau


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