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Unit 2 Establishing Business Relations;Parts of Business Letters 1:The Letter-head 2:The data line 3:The inside name and address 4:The salutation 5:The body of the letter 6:The complimentary close 7:The signature; 1:The attention line 2:The subject line 3:The reference notation 4:The enclosure 5:The Carbon copy notation(抄送) 6:The postscript;Courtesy Consideration Completeness Clarity Conciseness Concreteness Correctness ;Indented Form 缩格式 Blocked Form 齐头式 Modified Blocked Form 改良齐头式 ;所谓“缩格式”信函有以下特征 日期靠右 具体收信人和事由居中 段首缩格 结尾敬语和落款偏右 “齐头式”特征 除信头外全部左对齐 段落间用空格 “改良齐头式”兼具缩格与齐头的特征 案号和日期靠右 落款偏右 其他全部左对齐; Envelop addressing 信封格式 缩格式:收信人名称地址逐行右缩 齐头式:收信人名称地址左端对齐 写信人在上,收信人在下 ;In doing international trade, it is a vital step to establish business relations and promote goodwill with potential dealers .Therefore , information sources about the merchants in foreign countries are of great importance ,And also how to write effective letters to prospective partners should merit our attention.;Learning objectives 学习目标: Know where to obtain the information about the merchants in foreign countries; Know the essential components of a letter to establish business relation; Master typical sentences and expressions in writing such letters. ; Just as a factory requires a complete set of machinery to proceed with production, so does a foreign-trade firm need extensive business connections to maintain or expand its business activities .Therefore, the establishment of business relations is one of the important undertakings in the field of foreign trade ;How to get the information of the new customers?获得客户名址的途径: 1. attendance at the export commodities fairs参加交易会或博览会: 2. Chamber of Commerce, Commercial Counselors Office;国内外的商会,商务参赞处或


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