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Personal Development Planning 个人发展计划 ;Agenda 日程;From an employee point of view, what are the biggest challenges in preparing their PDP? 员工在准备其PDP时面临的最大挑战;From a manager point of view, what are the biggest challenges in helping our people to prepare their PDP? 上司在帮助员工准备PDP时面临的最大挑战;Why our people don’t feel we are focusing on their development? 员工为何感受不到我们对其发展的重视?;What do you like to see most in this training? 在此次的培训中,我们希望看到..?;What else the Corporate Office can do to help your hotel improve in this area? / 公司还有哪些事项可帮助酒店提升PDP表现?;Process 流程;Employee’s Responsibilities 员工责任;Manager’s Responsibilities 上司的责任;Planning for success 为成功计划;My Career Aspirations 我的职业理想;My Career Aspirations – Example 我的职业理想 – 实例;Reflect on performance review, other’s feedback, and your career aspiration 反思绩效评估结果和他人反馈,体现个人职业理想 Identify 2 to 4 areas to focus (strength and development needs, current role and future role) 致力于2至4个关键领域(优势、发展需求、现职、未来职位) Targets link to Leadership/Functional Competencies 目标专注于领导/专业能力 Focus on your behavior, not on business results 关注自身行为而非经营结果;Defining Development Target 制订发展目标;Cluster;IHG Leadership Competencies 洲际领导能力 ;My Target - Examples 我的目标 - 实例;Step 2: My Success 第二步:我的成功;My Success - Examples 我的成功 – 实例;Step 3: My Action 第三步:我的行动;Strategies For Growing Skills 技能提升的策略;Learning and Development Solutions 学习和发展方式;My Action - Examples 我的行动 - 实例;My Action - Examples 我的行动 – 实例;My Action - Examples 我的行动 - 实例;;Keeping Myself on Track - Examples 追踪自身进展 – 实例;Keeping Myself on Track - Examples 追踪自身进展 – 实例;Keeping Myself on Track - Examples 追踪自身进展 – 实例;Personal Development Plan Meeting 个人发展计划会谈;Materials to guide you through the PDP process 有关PDP流程的资讯;Materials to guide you through the PDP process 有关PDP流程的资讯;How manager can help to track the progress? 上司如何帮助以跟踪进程;Comments or Questions 建议和问题


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