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何凯文每日一句 第一次小结 1. prone to ?记住这个词的搭配:prone to do sth/ prone to sth; 2. pampered 3. showdown 对峙 4. boil down to sth 归结于;?基本问题是; ? ?In the end, what it all boils down to is money, or the lack of it.? ? ?说到底,问题的症结是钱,或者说是缺钱。 5. turns on 和boils down to 是一个递进关系;? 6. precedent 先例; unprecedented 没有判决先例的 ? (美国是判例法,任何法律规定都是依照之前的案件判罚结果。) 7.loves and fantasies, illnesses and losses.(爱和幻想,疾病和遗憾) 8.Revealing 发人深省 9.emerging markets 新兴市场 10.outspend,这个词大致有三个意思:1.花费超过…范围;2.比(他人)花费多; 3.比着花钱,攀比; 11.refinance:再融资(俗称的,拆东墙,补西墙) 12.Sb’ case is that… 这是一个句型,“某人的理由是…” 13.Unshackled 解除束缚; 同义词:Unchained; unfettered; untied 14. drag on (动词短语) 拖,拉拽,???里表示某件事情的胶着 15.within reason 在合理的范围之内 16.Devolve 移交(主要指权力的移交) ? ?例句:In order to promote local governance through decentralization, the government has begun plans to devolve powers to ? ?the districts. ? ?为了通过权力下放促进地方施政,政府已开始向各区下放权力的计划。 17.View A as B: 认为A是B; 这个结构,老外常常会写成:View as B A. 意思还是认为A是B; 18.lingering 持续的,挥之不去的, 19.bad press 负面报道? 20.rests on 基于…,取决于… 21.established conventions 已确立的传统(规定/习俗) 22. in that= because 因为引导状语从句; 23.the high street 商业街 24. Virtual 这个词一定要看英文解释; ? ?1)almost or very nearly the thing described, so that any slight difference is not important. 几乎,实际上; ? ? ? He married a virtual stranger. 他娶了一位几乎素不相识的女子。 ? ?2) made to appear to exist by the use of computer software 虚拟的 25.take an unusual twist : 发生了不寻常的转折; 26.be central to 对…很重要; 27.analogous 类似于 28.exemplary 可做榜样的,可做楷模的 例句:Her behavior is exemplary. 她的行为堪称楷模 29.jittery 小心谨慎 30.anything less than 绝不是 阅读摘要 1. Suicide on Periscope Prompts French Officials to Open Inquiry. ? Periscope 是国外的一种视频直播软件,类似中国的映客;有人在上面直播了自杀,这就促使法国官方开启调查程序; 考点:open inquiry 开启调查 2. We now live in a dictatorship of real time. (如今我们生活在一个被实时技术俘获的时代.)dictatorship 这个词的用法很传神;在写作中我们可以这样替换为: We now live in a dictatorship of smart devices.? 我们生活在一个被智能设备俘虏的时代。 3. Regulators have been trying to get a hold on new social media tools, like Periscope and Snapchat, mostly out of concern about their use by extremist o


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