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PAGE  PAGE 18 Unit 6 How Does a Secretary File Effectively? 本单元教学要求: 掌握公文立卷的方法 学写祝贺信 了解外交的相关知识 Section 1 Doing Filing 背景知识 公文立卷就是按照公文的特征和联系将若干具有共同点和联系密切的公文组合成有机联系的集合体的活动。公文共有特点,如作者、内容、地区等,是立卷工作的依据。立卷工作主要包括两项工作:分类和组卷。 分类是将机关产生的公文按照一定的特点分成若干部分,组卷则是把每一小类的局部的公文,按照共同特点组成保管单位。但二者又有相似之处:分类的方法主要是分析,分中有合,其分类结果是将具有不同特点的公文分别集合为不同类别;组卷的方法主要是综合,合中有分;其结果是将具有共同特征的单份公文集合为一个集合体(案卷)。 课前提问 What is filing? Usually, who is responsible for the filing system in a company? Do you know some filing instructions? What’s the significance of an effective filing system? What’s the essential rule for effective filing? 语言学习 so we did 对了,我们写到前三条了。 so用于强调,置于句首,构成“so+主语+be动词、助动词”的排列,表示同意对方的话;比如:–He is the best student in this class. –他是班上最好的学生。 –Yes, so he is. –他的确是。 so置于句首,构成倒装句式“so+be动词、助动词+主语”表示“……亦如此,……也一样”。 比如:He’s a teacher and so is his wife. 他是位教师,他妻子也是。 in chronological order按时间顺序。 in…order = in order of… 按…顺序:in alphabetical order按字母顺序排列;arranged in order of size, merit, importance, etc 按大小、功绩、重要性等排列的 under the name of 用…作名字。He writes under the name of Nimrod.它用尼姆罗德这个名字写作。Instead of using his true name, he sent the article to the paper under the name of Saki. 他不用真名,而用沙奇这个名字向报纸投稿。 catch up 1) 赶上。They started a few minutes ago, and we must hurry to catch up. 他们几分钟前已出发,我们必须赶紧追上。 2) 很快拾起。The thief caught up the money and ran away. 小偷一把抓起钱,逃之夭夭。 3) 缠住。It seemed that she was always caught up in the household. 看来她总是家务缠身 so that 为了如此...以至于;以便。She worked hard so that everything would be ready by 6 o’clock. 他拼命干以便能到六点时把一切都准备好。 so…that为的是;以便。He has so organized his life that his wife suspects nothing.他把生活安排得井井有条,为的是不让妻子有任何怀疑。 on your own 你自己(完成)。on one’s own 独自。I cant carry it on my own; its too heavy.我无法独自携带它,太重了。 相关的词组of one’s own 自己的。She has a mind of her own. 她颇有主见。 at the end of the day 把一切都考虑进去:At the end of the day the new manager is no better than the previous one. 从各个方面来看,这位新经理并不比前任强。 参考答案 III. Further Exercises 1.Restudy the dialogue and briefly answer the ques



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